UComp {UComp} | R Documentation |
Package for time series modelling and forecasting of times series models inspired on different sources:
Unobserved Components models due to A.C. Harvey (Basic Structural Model: BSM), enhanced with automatic identification tools by Diego J. Pedregal.
ExponenTial Smoothing by R.J. Hyndman and colaborators.
ARIMA models by V. Gómez and A. Maravall
Tobit ETS models by Pedregal, Trapero and Holgado
The package is designed for automatic identification among a wide range of possible models. The models may include exogenous variables. ARMA irregular components and automatic detection of outliers in some instances.
Harvey AC (1989). Forecasting, Structural Time Series Models and the Kalman Filter. Cam- bridge University Press.
de Jong, P & Penzer, J (1998). Diagnosing Shocks in Time Series, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 93, 442, 796-806.
Pedregal, DJ, & Young, PC (2002). Statistical approaches to modelling and forecasting time series. In M. Clements, & D. Hendry (Eds.), Companion to economic forecasting (pp. 69–104). Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Durbin J, Koopman SJ (2012). Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods. 38. Oxford University Press.
Proietti T and Luati A (2013). Maximum likelihood estimation of time series models: the Kalman filter and beyond, in Handbook of research methods and applications in empirical macroeconomics, ed. Nigar Hashimzade and Michael Thornton, E. Elgar, UK.
Hyndman RJ, Koehler AB, Ord JK and Snyder RD (2008), Forecasting with exponential smoothing, The State Sapce approach, Berlin, Springer-Verlag.
Gómez V and Maravall, A (2000), Automatic methods for univariate series. In Peña, D., Tiao, G.C. and Tsay R.S., A course in time series analyis. Wiley.
Trapero JR, Holgado E, Pedregal DJ (2024), Demand forecasting under lost sales stock policies, International Journal of Forecasting, 40, 1055-1068.
Diego J. Pedregal
Diego J. Pedregal