admissibility |
Admissibility for constraint group |
bcw |
Breast Cancer Wisconsin dataset |
build.UBayconstraint |
Build a customized constraint for UBayFS |
build.UBaymodel |
Build an ensemble for UBayFS |
buildConstraints |
Build a constraint system |
buildDecorrConstraints |
Build decorrelation constraints |
build_train_set |
Perform stratified data partition. |
evaluateFS |
Evaluate a feature set |
evaluateMultiple |
Evaluate a feature set |
group_admissibility |
Admissibility for constraint group |
is.UBayconstraint |
Checks whether a list object implements proper UBayFS user constraints |
is.UBaymodel |
Check whether an object is a UBaymodel |
plot.UBaymodel |
Print a UBayFS model |
posteriorExpectation |
Posterior expectation of features |
print.UBayconstraint |
Prints the 'UBayconstraint' object |
print.UBaymodel |
Print a UBayFS model |
printResults |
Print a UBayFS model |
runInteractive |
Run an interactive Shiny app for demonstration |
sampleInitial |
Initial feature set sampling using probabilistic Greedy algorithm |
setConstraints |
Set constraints in UBaymodel object |
setOptim |
Set optimization parameters in a UBaymodel object |
setWeights |
Set weights in UBaymodel object |
summary.UBayconstraint |
Prints the 'UBayconstraint' object |
summary.UBaymodel |
Print a UBayFS model |
train |
UBayFS feature selection |