get_tweets {Twitmo}R Documentation

Sample tweets by streaming or searching


Collect Tweets via streaming or searching.


  method = "stream",
  location = c(-180, -90, 180, 90),
  timeout = Inf,
  keywords = "",
  n_max = 100L,
  file_name = NULL,



Character string. Supported methods are streaming and searching. The default method is streaming method = 'stream'. This is the recommended method as it allows to collect larger volumes of data over time. Use method = 'search' if you want to collect Tweets from the past 9 days.


Character string of location to sample from. Can be a three letter country code i.e. "USA" or a city name like "berlin". Use Twitmo:::bbox_country for all supported country locations or rtweet:::citycoords for a list of supported cities. Alternatively, use a vector of doubles with four latitude/longitude bounding box points provided via a vector of length 4, in the following format c(sw.long,, ne.long, e.g., c(-125, 26, -65, 49).


Integer. Limit streaming time in seconds. By default will stream indefinitely until user interrupts by pressing [ctrl + c].


Character string of keywords provided via a comma separated character string. Only for searching Tweets.If you want to stream Tweets for a certain location AND filter by keywords use the location parameter and after sampling use the filter_tweets function. If you are using the search method instead of streaming keywords WILL work together with a location but will yield only a very limited number of Tweets.


Integer value. Only applies to the search method. Limit how many Tweets are collected.


Character string of desired file path and file name where Tweets will be saved. If not specified, will write to stream_tweets.json in the current working directory.


Additional arguments passed to stream_tweets or search_tweets.


A function that calls on stream_tweets and search_tweets (depending on the specified method) and is specifically tailored for sampling geo-tagged data. This function provides supports additional arguments like location for convenient sampling of geo-tagged Tweets. Tweets can be searched up to 9 days into the past.


Either a json file in the specified directory.


See Also

stream_tweets, search_tweets


## Not run: 

# live stream tweets from Germany for 60 seconds and save to current working directory
get_tweets(method = "stream",
           location = "DEU",
           timeout = 60,
           file_name = "german_tweets.json")

# OR
# live stream tweets from berlin for an hour
get_tweets(method = "stream",
           location = "berlin",
           timeout = 3600,
           file_name = "berlin_tweets.json")

# OR
# use your own bounding box coordinates to strean tweets indefinitely (interrupt to stop)
get_tweets(method = 'stream',
           location = c(-125, 26, -65, 49),
           timeout = Inf)

## End(Not run)

[Package Twitmo version 0.1.2 Index]