TukeyGH {TukeyGH77}R Documentation

Tukey gg-&-hh Distribution


Density, distribution function, quantile function and simulation for Tukey gg-&-hh distribution with location parameter AA, scale parameter BB, skewness gg and elongation hh.


dGH(x, A = 0, B = 1, g = 0, h = 0, log = FALSE, ...)

rGH(n, A = 0, B = 1, g = 0, h = 0)

qGH(p, A = 0, B = 1, g = 0, h = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)

pGH(q, A = 0, B = 1, g = 0, h = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, ...)


x, q

double vector, quantiles


double scalar, location parameter A=0A=0 by default


double scalar, scale parameter B>0B>0. Default B=1B=1


double scalar, skewness parameter g=0g=0 by default (i.e., no skewness)


double scalar, elongation parameter h0h\geq 0. Default h=0h=0 (i.e., no elongation)

log, log.p

logical scalar, if TRUE, probabilities pp are given as log(p)\log(p).


other parameters of function vuniroot2


integer scalar, number of observations


double vector, probabilities


logical scalar, if TRUE (default), probabilities are Pr(Xx)Pr(X\le x) otherwise, Pr(X>x)Pr(X>x).


Function dGH returns the density and accommodates vector arguments A, B, g and h. The quantiles x can be either vector or matrix. This function takes about 1/5 time of gk::dgh.

Function pGH returns the distribution function, only taking scalar arguments and vector quantiles qq. This function takes about 1/10 time of function gk::pgh.

Function qGH returns the quantile function, only taking scalar arguments and vector probabilities pp.

Function rGH generates random deviates, only taking scalar arguments.


(x = c(NA_real_, rGH(n = 5L, g = .3, h = .1)))
dGH(x, g = c(0,.1,.2), h = c(.1,.1,.1))

p0 = seq.int(0, 1, by = .2)
(q0 = qGH(p0, g = .2, h = .1))
range(pGH(q0, g = .2, h = .1) - p0)

q = (-2):3; q[2L] = NA_real_; q
(p1 = pGH(q, g = .3, h = .1))
range(qGH(p1, g = .3, h = .1) - q, na.rm = TRUE)
(p2 = pGH(q, g = .2, h = 0))
range(qGH(p2, g = .2, h = 0) - q, na.rm = TRUE)

curve(dGH(x, g = .3, h = .1), from = -2.5, to = 3.5)

[Package TukeyGH77 version 0.1.2 Index]