alba |
Length-frequency data of the clam Abra alba |
Bhattacharya |
Bhattacharya's method |
bream |
bream data |
catchCurve |
Catch curve |
date2yeardec |
Date - Year conversion |
emperor |
Emperor data |
gillnet |
Gillnet data |
gillnetfit |
Millar's original gillnet selectivity fitting function |
goatfish |
Yellowstriped goatfish data |
growth_length_age |
Estimation of growth parameter using length-at-age data |
growth_tagging |
Growth from tagging data |
haddock |
Haddock data |
hake |
Hake data |
lfqCreate |
Create lfq data from length measurements |
lfqFitCurves |
Fitting VBGF growth curves through lfq data |
lfqModify |
Modify lfq data for further analysis |
lfqRestructure |
Restructuring of length frequency data |
M_empirical |
Empirical formulas for the estimation of natural mortality |
plot.Bhattacharya |
Bhattacharya plot |
plot.catchCurve |
Plotting catch curve |
plot.lfq |
Plotting of length frequency data (with VBGF curves) |
plot.predict_mod |
Plotting prediction models yield per recruit and Thompson & Bell |
plot.prod_mod |
Plotting production models |
plot.prod_mod_ts |
Plotting time series production models |
plot.recruitment |
Plot of recruitment patterns | |
Selectivity plot |
plot.select_Millar |
Millar's selectivity plot |
plot.VPA |
VPA plot |
powell_wetherall |
Powell-Wetherall method |
predict_mod |
Prediction models |
prod_mod |
Production models |
prod_mod_ts |
Production models with time series fitting |
rcurves_Millar |
Predict gillnet selectivity (old Millar method) |
recruitment |
Recruitment patterns |
rtypes_Millar |
Millar's selectivity types |
select |
Selectivity model |
select_Millar |
Millar's selectivity model |
select_ogive |
Selectivity patterns |
shrimps |
Shrimp data |
startingPoint2tanchor |
Convert FiSAT's starting point to t_anchor value |
stock_sim |
Stock simulation |
synCAA1 |
Synthetic Catch-at-age data I |
synCAA2 |
Synthetic Catch-at-age data II |
synCPUE |
Synthetical catch per unit of effort (CPUE) dataset |
synLFQ1 |
Synthetic length-frequency data I |
synLFQ2 |
Synthetic length frequency data II |
synLFQ3 |
Synthetic length frequency data III |
synLFQ4 |
Synthetic length-frequency data IV (with seasonal oscillation) |
synLFQ5 |
Synthetic length-frequency data V (without seasonal oscillation) |
synLFQ6 |
Synthetic length-frequency data VI (without seasonal oscillation) |
synLFQ7 |
Synthetic length-frequency data VII with seasonal oscillation |
synLFQ8 |
Synthetic length-frequency data VIII with variable harvest rate |
tilapia |
Tilapia data |
trammelnet |
Trammel net data |
trawl_fishery_Java |
Data from the trawl fishery off the North coast of Java |
Von Bertalanffy Growth function (VBGF) |
Virtual Population Analysis (VPA) |
whiting |
Whiting data |
yeardec2date |
Year - Date conversion |
ypr |
Yield per recruit |
ypr_sel |
Yield per recruit with selection ogive |
Z_BevertonHolt |
Beverton & Holt's Z-Equations |
Estimate Z from CPUE data |