Propensity Score Matching of Non-Binary Treatments

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Documentation for package ‘TriMatch’ version 0.9.9

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TriMatch-package Propensity Score Analysis for Non-Binary Treatments Convert a list of vectors to a data frame.
balance.plot Balance plot for the given covariate.
boxdiff.plot Returns a 'ggplot2' box plot of the differences.
covariateBalance Calculate covariate effect size differences before and after stratification. Convert a list of vectors to a data frame.
distance.euclid Euclidean distance calculation.
distances.plot Barplot for the sum of distances.
loess3.plot Loess plot for matched triplets.
maximumTreat This method will return at least one treatment from groups one and two within the caliper.
merge.triangle.matches Merges outcomes with the matched set.
merge.triangle.psa Merges covariate(s) with the results of 'trips'.
multibalance.plot Multiple covariate balance assessment plot.
nmes Results from the 1987 National Medical Expenditure Study
OneToN This method will use a M1-to-M2-to-1 matching.
parallel.plot Parallel coordinate plot for the three groups and dependent variable.
perpPt Internal method for plotting. Finds a point d distance from x, y
plot.balance.plots Prints a grid of balance plots.
plot.triangle.matches Triangle plot drawing matched triplets.
plot.triangle.psa Triangle plot.
print.balance.plots Print the results of 'balance.plot' for a data frame of covariates.
print.triangle.plot Print method for 'plot.triangle.psa'. The primary purpose is to suppress the "Removed n rows containing missing values" warning printed by 'ggplot2'.
print.trimatch.summary Prints the results of 'summary.triangle.matches'.
segment1 Internal method for plotting. Position along the left side segment
segment2 Internal method for plotting. Position along the right side segment
star Returns significance level.
summary.balance.plots Prints a summary table of the test statistics of each balance plot.
summary.triangle.matches Provides a summary of the matched triplets including analysis of outcome measure if provided.
summary.triangle.psa Prints the summary results of the logistic regression models.
summary.unmatched Provides a summary of unmatched subjects.
TriMatch Propensity Score Analysis for Non-Binary Treatments
trimatch Creates matched triplets.
trimatch.apply2 Recursive function to find possible matched triplets using the apply functions.
trips Estimates propensity scores for three groups
tutoring Results from a study examining the effects of tutoring services on course grades.
unmatched Returns rows from 'trips' that were not matched by 'trimatch'.