Tb_snail {TrenchR}R Documentation

Operative Environmental Temperature of a Marine Snail


The function estimates body temperature (C, operative environmental temperature) of a marine snail. The function implements a steady-state model, which assumes unchanging environmental conditions and is based on (Iacarella and Helmuth 2012). Body temperature and desiccation constrain the activity of Littoraria irrorata within the Spartina alterniflora canopy. The function was provided by Brian Helmuth and is a simplified version of the published model.


Tb_snail(temp, l, S, u, CC, WL, WSH)



numeric air temperature (C).


numeric snail length (m).


numeric direct solar flux density (W m-2).


numeric wind speed (m s-1).


numeric fraction of the sky covered by cloud (0-1).


numeric water loss rate (kg s-1), 5 percent loss of body mass over one hour is a reasonable maximum level (Helmuth 1999).


numeric wind sensor height (m).


Thermal radiative flux is calculated following Helmuth (1998), Helmuth (1999), and Idso and Jackson (1969).


numeric predicted body (operative environmental) temperature (C).


Brian Helmuth et al.


Helmuth B (1999). “Thermal biology of rocky intertidal mussels: quantifying body temperatures using climatological data.” Ecology, 80(1), 15-34. doi: 10.2307/176977.

Helmuth BST (1998). “Intertidal Mussel Microclimates: Predicting the Body Temperature of a Sessile Invertebrate.” Ecological Monographs, 68(1), 51–74. ISSN 00129615, doi: 10.2307/2657143.

Iacarella J, Helmuth B (2012). “Body temperature and desiccation constrain the activity of Littoraria irrorata within the Spartina alterniflora canopy.” Journal of Thermal Biology, 37(1). doi: 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2011.10.003.

Idso SB, Jackson RD (1969). “Thermal radiation from the atmosphere.” Journal of Geophysical Research (1896-1977), 74(23), 5397-5403. doi: 10.1029/JC074i023p05397.

See Also

Other biophysical models: Grashof_number_Gates(), Grashof_number(), Nusselt_from_Grashof(), Nusselt_from_Reynolds(), Nusselt_number(), Prandtl_number(), Qconduction_animal(), Qconduction_substrate(), Qconvection(), Qemitted_thermal_radiation(), Qevaporation(), Qmetabolism_from_mass_temp(), Qmetabolism_from_mass(), Qnet_Gates(), Qradiation_absorbed(), Qthermal_radiation_absorbed(), Reynolds_number(), T_sky(), Tb_CampbellNorman(), Tb_Gates2(), Tb_Gates(), Tb_butterfly(), Tb_grasshopper(), Tb_limpetBH(), Tb_limpet(), Tb_lizard_Fei(), Tb_lizard(), Tb_mussel(), Tb_salamander_humid(), Tbed_mussel(), Tsoil(), actual_vapor_pressure(), boundary_layer_resistance(), external_resistance_to_water_vapor_transfer(), free_or_forced_convection(), heat_transfer_coefficient_approximation(), heat_transfer_coefficient_simple(), heat_transfer_coefficient(), saturation_vapor_pressure(), saturation_water_vapor_pressure()


  Tb_snail(temp  = 25, 
           l     = 0.012, 
           S = 800, 
           u    = 1, 
           CC    = 0.5, 
           WL    = 0, 
           WSH   = 10)

[Package TrenchR version 1.1.1 Index]