Create, Modify and Analyse Phylogenetic Trees

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Documentation for package ‘TreeTools’ version 1.10.0

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A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W X Z misc

-- A --

AddTip Add a tip to a phylogenetic tree
AddTipEverywhere Add a tip to a phylogenetic tree
AddUnconstrained Force a tree to match a constraint
AllAncestors List ancestors
AllDescendantEdges Identify descendant edges
AllTipLabels Extract tip labels
AllTipLabels.list Extract tip labels
AllTipLabels.matrix Extract tip labels
AllTipLabels.multiPhylo Extract tip labels
AllTipLabels.phylo Extract tip labels
AllTipLabels.Splits Extract tip labels
AllTipLabels.TreeNumber Extract tip labels
ApeTime Read modification time from "ape" Nexus file
ArtEx Artificial Extinction
ArtificialExtinction Artificial Extinction
ArtificialExtinction.matrix Artificial Extinction
ArtificialExtinction.phyDat Artificial Extinction
as.ClusterTable Convert phylogenetic tree to 'ClusterTable'
as.ClusterTable.list Convert phylogenetic tree to 'ClusterTable'
as.ClusterTable.multiPhylo Convert phylogenetic tree to 'ClusterTable'
as.ClusterTable.phylo Convert phylogenetic tree to 'ClusterTable'
as.logical.Splits Convert object to 'Splits'
as.matrix.ClusterTable S3 methods for 'ClusterTable' objects
as.MixedBase Unique integer indices for bifurcating tree topologies
as.MixedBase.integer64 Unique integer indices for bifurcating tree topologies
as.MixedBase.MixedBase Unique integer indices for bifurcating tree topologies
as.MixedBase.multiPhylo Unique integer indices for bifurcating tree topologies
as.MixedBase.numeric Unique integer indices for bifurcating tree topologies
as.MixedBase.phylo Unique integer indices for bifurcating tree topologies
as.MixedBase.TreeNumber Unique integer indices for bifurcating tree topologies
as.multiPhylo Convert object to 'multiPhylo' class
as.multiPhylo.list Convert object to 'multiPhylo' class
as.multiPhylo.phyDat Convert object to 'multiPhylo' class
as.multiPhylo.phylo Convert object to 'multiPhylo' class
as.multiPhylo.Splits Convert object to 'multiPhylo' class
as.Newick Write a phylogenetic tree in Newick format
as.Newick.list Write a phylogenetic tree in Newick format
as.Newick.multiPhylo Write a phylogenetic tree in Newick format
as.Newick.phylo Write a phylogenetic tree in Newick format
as.phylo.MixedBase Unique integer indices for bifurcating tree topologies
as.phylo.numeric Unique integer indices for bifurcating tree topologies
as.phylo.TreeNumber Unique integer indices for bifurcating tree topologies
as.Splits Convert object to 'Splits'
as.Splits.character Convert object to 'Splits'
as.Splits.list Convert object to 'Splits'
as.Splits.logical Convert object to 'Splits'
as.Splits.matrix Convert object to 'Splits'
as.Splits.multiPhylo Convert object to 'Splits'
as.Splits.phylo Convert object to 'Splits'
as.Splits.Splits Convert object to 'Splits'
as.TreeNumber Unique integer indices for bifurcating tree topologies
as.TreeNumber.character Unique integer indices for bifurcating tree topologies
as.TreeNumber.MixedBase Unique integer indices for bifurcating tree topologies
as.TreeNumber.multiPhylo Unique integer indices for bifurcating tree topologies
as.TreeNumber.phylo Unique integer indices for bifurcating tree topologies
as.TreeNumber.TreeNumber Unique integer indices for bifurcating tree topologies

-- B --

BalancedTree Generate pectinate, balanced or random trees
brewer Brewer palettes

-- C --

CharacterInformation Character information content
CladeSizes Clade sizes
CladisticInfo Cladistic information content of a tree
CladisticInfo.list Cladistic information content of a tree
CladisticInfo.multiPhylo Cladistic information content of a tree
CladisticInfo.phylo Cladistic information content of a tree
CladisticInfo.Splits Cladistic information content of a tree
CladisticInformation Cladistic information content of a tree
ClusterTable Convert phylogenetic tree to 'ClusterTable'
ClusterTable-methods S3 methods for 'ClusterTable' objects
CollapseEdge Collapse nodes on a phylogenetic tree
CollapseNode Collapse nodes on a phylogenetic tree
CollapseNode.phylo Collapse nodes on a phylogenetic tree
Consensus Construct consensus trees
ConsensusWithout Reduced consensus, omitting specified taxa
ConsensusWithout.list Reduced consensus, omitting specified taxa
ConsensusWithout.multiPhylo Reduced consensus, omitting specified taxa
ConsensusWithout.phylo Reduced consensus, omitting specified taxa
ConstrainedNJ Constrained neighbour-joining tree

-- D --

DescendantEdges Identify descendant edges
DoubleFactorial Double factorial
DoubleFactorial64 Double factorial
doubleFactorials Double factorials
DropTip Drop leaves from tree
DropTip.list Drop leaves from tree
DropTip.multiPhylo Drop leaves from tree
DropTip.NULL Drop leaves from tree
DropTip.phylo Drop leaves from tree
DropTip.Splits Drop leaves from tree
DropTipPhylo Drop leaves from tree

-- E --

EdgeAncestry Ancestors of an edge
EdgeDistances Distance between edges
edge_to_splits Efficiently convert edge matrix to splits
EndSentence Add full stop to end of a sentence
EnforceOutgroup Generate a tree with a specified outgroup
EnforceOutgroup.character Generate a tree with a specified outgroup
EnforceOutgroup.phylo Generate a tree with a specified outgroup

-- F --

ForestSplits Frequency of splits

-- G --

GenerateTree Generate pectinate, balanced or random trees

-- H --

Hamming Hamming distance between taxa in a phylogenetic dataset

-- I --

IC1Spr Number of trees one SPR step away
ImposeConstraint Force a tree to match a constraint
in.Splits Split matching
is.TreeNumber Is an object a 'TreeNumber' object?

-- K --

KeepTip Drop leaves from tree
KeepTipPostorder Drop leaves from tree
KeepTipPreorder Drop leaves from tree
KeptPaths Paths present in reduced tree Paths present in reduced tree
KeptPaths.matrix Paths present in reduced tree
KeptVerts Identify vertices retained when leaves are dropped
KeptVerts.numeric Identify vertices retained when leaves are dropped
KeptVerts.phylo Identify vertices retained when leaves are dropped

-- L --

LabelSplits Label splits
LeafLabelInterchange Leaf label interchange
ListAncestors List ancestors
LnDoubleFactorial Double factorial Double factorial
LnRooted Number of trees Number of trees
LnSplitMatchProbability Probability of matching this well
LnTreesMatchingSplit Number of trees matching a bipartition split
LnTreesMatchingTree Number of trees containing a tree
LnUnrooted Number of trees Number of trees
LnUnrootedMult Number of trees
LnUnrootedSplits Number of trees
LnUnrootedTreesMatchingSplit Number of trees consistent with split Data from Zhang et al. 2016
Lobo.phy Data from Zhang et al. 2016
Log2DoubleFactorial Double factorial
Log2Rooted Number of trees Number of trees
Log2TreesMatchingSplit Number of trees matching a bipartition split
Log2TreesMatchingTree Number of trees containing a tree
Log2Unrooted Number of trees Number of trees
Log2UnrootedMult Number of trees
Log2UnrootedSplits Number of trees
Log2UnrootedTreesMatchingSplit Number of trees consistent with split
LogDoubleFactorial Double factorial Double factorial
logDoubleFactorials Natural logarithms of double factorials

-- M --

MakeTreeBinary Generate binary tree by collapsing polytomies
MarkMissing Reduced consensus, omitting specified taxa
match Split matching
match-method Split matching
match.Splits Split matching
MatrixToPhyDat Convert between matrices and 'phyDat' objects
MorphoBankDecode Decode MorphoBank text
MrBayesTrees Read posterior tree sample produced by MrBayes
MRCA Most recent common ancestor
MSTEdges Minimum spanning tree
MSTLength Minimum spanning tree
MultiSplitInformation Phylogenetic information content of splitting leaves into two partitions

-- N --

N1Spr Number of trees one SPR step away
NDescendants Count descendants for each node in a tree
NewickTree Write Newick Tree
NJTree Generate a neighbour joining tree
NodeDepth Distance of each node from tree exterior
NodeOrder Number of edges incident to each node in a tree
NPartitionPairs Distributions of tips consistent with a partition pair
NPartitions Number of distinct splits
NRooted Number of trees
NRooted64 Number of trees
nRootedShapes Number of rooted / unrooted tree shapes
NSplits Number of distinct splits
NSplits.character Number of distinct splits
NSplits.ClusterTable Number of distinct splits
NSplits.list Number of distinct splits
NSplits.multiPhylo Number of distinct splits
NSplits.NULL Number of distinct splits
NSplits.numeric Number of distinct splits
NSplits.phylo Number of distinct splits
NSplits.Splits Number of distinct splits
NTip Number of leaves in a phylogenetic tree
NTip.default Number of leaves in a phylogenetic tree
NTip.list Number of leaves in a phylogenetic tree
NTip.matrix Number of leaves in a phylogenetic tree
NTip.multiPhylo Number of leaves in a phylogenetic tree
NTip.phyDat Number of leaves in a phylogenetic tree
NTip.phylo Number of leaves in a phylogenetic tree
NTip.Splits Number of leaves in a phylogenetic tree
NUnrooted Number of trees
NUnrooted64 Number of trees
NUnrootedMult Number of trees
nUnrootedShapes Number of rooted / unrooted tree shapes
NUnrootedSplits Number of trees

-- P --

PairwiseDistances Distances between each pair of trees
PathLengths Calculate length of paths between each pair of vertices within tree
PectinateTree Generate pectinate, balanced or random trees
PhyDat Read phylogenetic characters from file
PhyDatToMatrix Convert between matrices and 'phyDat' objects
PhyDatToString Convert between strings and 'phyDat' objects
PhydatToString Convert between strings and 'phyDat' objects
PhylogeneticInfo Cladistic information content of a tree
PhylogeneticInformation Cladistic information content of a tree
PhyToString Convert between strings and 'phyDat' objects
PolarizeSplits Polarize splits on a single taxon
print.ClusterTable S3 methods for 'ClusterTable' objects
print.TreeNumber Print 'TreeNumber' object

-- R --

RandomTree Generate pectinate, balanced or random trees
ReadAsPhyDat Read phylogenetic characters from file
ReadCharacters Read phylogenetic characters from file
ReadMrBayes Read posterior tree sample produced by MrBayes
ReadMrBayesTrees Read posterior tree sample produced by MrBayes
ReadNotes Read phylogenetic characters from file
ReadTntAsPhyDat Read phylogenetic characters from file
ReadTntCharacters Read phylogenetic characters from file
ReadTntTree Parse TNT Tree
Renumber Renumber a tree's nodes and tips
RenumberTips Renumber a tree's tips
RenumberTips.list Renumber a tree's tips
RenumberTips.multiPhylo Renumber a tree's tips
RenumberTips.NULL Renumber a tree's tips
RenumberTips.phylo Renumber a tree's tips
replicate64 Apply a function that returns 64-bit integers over a list or vector
RightmostCharacter Rightmost character of string
RoguePlot Visualize position of rogue taxa
RootNode Which node is a tree's root?
RootNodeDist "Stemwardness" of a leaf
RootNodeDistance "Stemwardness" of a leaf
RootNodeDistance.character "Stemwardness" of a leaf
RootNodeDistance.numeric "Stemwardness" of a leaf
RootOnNode Root or unroot a phylogenetic tree
RootTree Root or unroot a phylogenetic tree

-- S --

sapply64 Apply a function that returns 64-bit integers over a list or vector
SingleTaxonTree Generate trivial trees
SisterSize "Stemwardness" of a leaf
SisterSize.character "Stemwardness" of a leaf
SisterSize.numeric "Stemwardness" of a leaf
sort.multiPhylo Sort a list of phylogenetic trees
SortTree Sort tree
SortTree.list Sort tree
SortTree.multiPhylo Sort tree
SortTree.phylo Sort tree
SplitFrequency Frequency of splits
SplitImbalance Tips contained within splits
SplitImbalance.phylo Tips contained within splits
SplitImbalance.Splits Tips contained within splits
SplitInformation Phylogenetic information content of splitting leaves into two partitions
SplitMatchProbability Probability of matching this well
SplitNumber Frequency of splits
Splits Convert object to 'Splits'
SplitsInBinaryTree Maximum splits in an _n_-leaf tree
SplitsInBinaryTree.default Maximum splits in an _n_-leaf tree
SplitsInBinaryTree.list Maximum splits in an _n_-leaf tree
SplitsInBinaryTree.multiPhylo Maximum splits in an _n_-leaf tree
SplitsInBinaryTree.NULL Maximum splits in an _n_-leaf tree
SplitsInBinaryTree.numeric Maximum splits in an _n_-leaf tree
SplitsInBinaryTree.phylo Maximum splits in an _n_-leaf tree
SplitsInBinaryTree.Splits Maximum splits in an _n_-leaf tree
StarTree Generate pectinate, balanced or random trees
Stemwardness "Stemwardness" of a leaf
StringToPhyDat Convert between strings and 'phyDat' objects
StringToPhydat Convert between strings and 'phyDat' objects
Subsplit Subset of a split on fewer leaves
Subtree Extract a subtree
summary.ClusterTable S3 methods for 'ClusterTable' objects
SupportColor Colour for node support value
SupportColour Colour for node support value

-- T --

TCIContext Total Cophenetic Index
TCIContext.numeric Total Cophenetic Index
TipLabels Extract tip labels
TipLabels.character Extract tip labels
TipLabels.default Extract tip labels
TipLabels.list Extract tip labels
TipLabels.matrix Extract tip labels
TipLabels.MixedBase Extract tip labels
TipLabels.multiPhylo Extract tip labels
TipLabels.numeric Extract tip labels
TipLabels.phyDat Extract tip labels
TipLabels.phylo Extract tip labels
TipLabels.Splits Extract tip labels
TipLabels.TreeNumber Extract tip labels
TipsInSplits Tips contained within splits
TipsInSplits.phylo Tips contained within splits
TipsInSplits.Splits Tips contained within splits
TipTimedTree Display time-calibrated tree using tip information only
TNTText2Tree Parse TNT Tree
TntText2Tree Parse TNT Tree
TotalCopheneticIndex Total Cophenetic Index
TreeIsRooted Is tree rooted?
TreeNumber Unique integer indices for bifurcating tree topologies
TreesMatchingSplit Number of trees matching a bipartition split
TreesMatchingTree Number of trees containing a tree
TreeSplits Frequency of splits
TrivialSplits Identify and remove trivial splits
TrivialTree Generate trivial trees

-- U --

Unquote Remove quotation marks from a string
UnrootedTreesMatchingSplit Number of trees consistent with split
UnrootTree Root or unroot a phylogenetic tree
UnshiftTree Add tree to start of list

-- V --

vapply64 Apply a function that returns 64-bit integers over a list or vector

-- W --

WithoutTrivialSplits Identify and remove trivial splits
WriteTntCharacters Write morphological character matrix to TNT file
WriteTntCharacters.matrix Write morphological character matrix to TNT file
WriteTntCharacters.phyDat Write morphological character matrix to TNT file

-- X --

xor Exclusive OR operation
xor-method Exclusive OR operation

-- Z --

ZeroTaxonTree Generate trivial trees

-- misc --

%in%-method Split matching
<.MixedBase Sort a list of phylogenetic trees
<.phylo Sort a list of phylogenetic trees
==.MixedBase Sort a list of phylogenetic trees
==.phylo Sort a list of phylogenetic trees
>.MixedBase Sort a list of phylogenetic trees
>.phylo Sort a list of phylogenetic trees