PhyDat2Morphy {TreeSearch}R Documentation

Initialize a Morphy object from a phyDat object


Creates a new Morphy object with the same size and characters as the phyDat object. Once finished with the object, it should be destroyed using UnloadMorphy() to free the allocated memory.


PhyDat2Morphy(phy, gap = "inapplicable")



An object of phangorn class phyDat.


An unambiguous abbreviation of inapplicable, ambiguous (= missing), or ⁠extra state⁠, specifying how gaps will be handled.


PhyDat2Morphy() returns a pointer to an initialized Morphy object.


Martin R. Smith (

See Also

Other Morphy API functions: GapHandler(), MorphyErrorCheck(), MorphyWeights(), SingleCharMorphy(), UnloadMorphy(), is.morphyPtr(), mpl_apply_tipdata(), mpl_attach_rawdata(), mpl_attach_symbols(), mpl_delete_Morphy(), mpl_delete_rawdata(), mpl_first_down_recon(), mpl_first_up_recon(), mpl_get_charac_weight(), mpl_get_gaphandl(), mpl_get_num_charac(), mpl_get_num_internal_nodes(), mpl_get_numtaxa(), mpl_get_symbols(), mpl_init_Morphy(), mpl_new_Morphy(), mpl_second_down_recon(), mpl_second_up_recon(), mpl_set_charac_weight(), mpl_set_num_internal_nodes(), mpl_set_parsim_t(), mpl_translate_error(), mpl_update_lower_root(), mpl_update_tip(), summary.morphyPtr()


data("Lobo", package="TreeTools")
morphyObj <- PhyDat2Morphy(Lobo.phy)
# Set object to be destroyed at end of session or closure of function
# on.exit(morphyObj <- UnloadMorphy(morphyObj), add = TRUE)

# Do something with pointer
# ....

# Or, instead of on.exit, manually destroy morphy object and free memory:
morphyObj <- UnloadMorphy(morphyObj)

[Package TreeSearch version 1.5.1 Index]