Tree-Based Scan Statistics

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Documentation for package ‘TreeMineR’ version 1.0.1

Help Pages

atc_codes Hierarchical tree of the ATC system for classifying drugs
create_tree Creating a tree file for further use in 'TreeMineR()'.
diagnoses Test dataset of ICD diagnoses
drop_cuts Remove cuts from your tree. This is, e.g., useful if you would like to remove certain chapters from the ICD-10 tree used for the analysis as some chapters might be a prior deemed irrelevant for the exposure of interest, e.g., chapter 20 (external causes of death) might not be of interest when comparing two drug exposures.
icd_10_se Swedish version of the ICD-10 diagnoses code tree
icd_10_se_dict Dictionary for the Swedish version of the ICD-10 diagnoses code tree
TreeMineR Unconditional Bernoulli Tree-Based Scan Statistics for R