Air Pollution Removal by Dry Deposition on Trees

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Documentation for package ‘TreeDep’ version 0.1.3

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TreeDep-package TreeDep Package
Bizkaia_data Weather and environmental hourly data in Bizkaia province, Spain
Conc_CO Conc_CO - Extracts data of hourly concentration of CO
Conc_NO2 Conc_NO2 - Extracts data of hourly concentration of NO2
Conc_O3 Conc_O3 - Extracts data of hourly concentration of O3
Conc_PM10 Conc_PM10 - Extracts data of hourly concentration of PM10
Conc_SO2 Conc_SO2 - Extracts data of hourly concentration of SO2
Daylight Daylight - Generates hourly daylight data ("Night" and "Daylight") in a specific year
Dep_CO Dep_CO - Calculates hourly deposition of CO on vegetation
Dep_CO_a Dep_CO_a - Calculates the annual value of deposition of CO on vegetation
Dep_NO2 Dep_NO2 - Calculates hourly deposition of NO2 on vegetation
Dep_NO2_a Dep_NO2_a - Calculates the annual value of deposition of NO2 on vegetation
Dep_O3 Dep_O3 - Calculates hourly deposition of O3 on vegetation
Dep_O3_a Dep_O3_a - Calculates the annual value of deposition of O3 on vegetation
Dep_PM10 Dep_PM10 - Calculates hourly deposition of PM10 on vegetation
Dep_PM10_a Dep_PM10_a - Calculates the annual value of deposition of PM10 on vegetation
Dep_SO2 Dep_SO2 - Calculates hourly deposition of SO2 on vegetation
Dep_SO2_a Dep_SO2_a - Calculates the annual value of deposition of SO2 on vegetation
Dep_vel_CO Dep_vel_CO - Calculates hourly deposition velocity for CO
Dep_vel_NO2 Dep_vel_NO2 - Calculates hourly deposition velocity for NO2
Dep_vel_O3 Dep_vel_O3 - Calculates hourly deposition velocity for O3
Dep_vel_PM10 Dep_vel_PM10 - Calculates hourly deposition velocity for PM10
Dep_vel_SO2 Dep_vel_SO2 - Calculates hourly deposition velocity for SO2
Fric_vel Fric_vel - Calculates friction velocity on an hourly basis
LAI_deciduous LAI_deciduous - Generates hourly data of leaf and bark area index for deciduous trees in a specific year
LAI_evergreen LAI_evergreen - Generates hourly data of leaf and bark area index for evergreen trees in a specific year
Res_aero Res_aero - Calculates aerodynamic resistance on an hourly basis
Res_boun_CO Res_boun_CO - Calculates hourly boundary layer resistance for CO
Res_boun_CO2 Res_boun_CO2 - Calculates hourly boundary layer resistance for CO2
Res_boun_NO2 Res_boun_NO2 - Calculates hourly boundary layer resistance for NO2
Res_boun_O3 Res_boun_O3 - Calculates hourly boundary layer resistance for O3
Res_boun_SO2 Res_boun_SO2 - Calculates hourly boundary layer resistance for SO2
Res_cano_CO Res_cano_CO - Calculates hourly canopy resistance for CO
Res_cano_NO2 Res_cano_NO2 - Calculates hourly canopy resistance for NO2
Res_cano_O3 Res_cano_O3 - Calculates hourly canopy resistance for O3
Res_cano_SO2 Res_cano_SO2 - Calculates hourly canopy resistance for SO2
Res_cuti_NO2 Res_cuti_NO2 - Calculates hourly cuticular resistance for NO2
Res_cuti_O3 Res_cuti_O3 - Calculates hourly cuticular resistance for O3
Res_cuti_SO2 Res_cuti_SO2 - Calculates hourly cuticular resistance for SO2
Res_meso_NO2 Res_meso_NO2 - Calculates hourly mesophyll resistance for NO2
Res_meso_O3 Res_meso_O3 - Calculates hourly mesophyll resistance for O3
Res_meso_SO2 Res_meso_SO2 - Calculates hourly mesophyll resistance for SO2
Res_soil Res_soil - Calculates soil resistance on an hourly basis
Res_stom_NO2 Res_stom_NO2 - Calculates stomata resistance on an hourly basis
Res_stom_O3 Res_stom_O3 - Calculates stomata resistance on an hourly basis
Res_stom_SO2 Res_stom_SO2 - Calculates stomata resistance on an hourly basis
Res_Tot_CO Res_Tot_CO - Calculates hourly total resistance for CO
Res_Tot_NO2 Res_Tot_NO2 - Calculates hourly total resistance for NO2
Res_Tot_O3 Res_Tot_O3 - Calculates hourly total resistance for O3
Res_Tot_SO2 Res_Tot_SO2 - Calculates hourly total resistance for SO2
TreeDep TreeDep Package
TreeDep_plot TreeDep_plot - Generates a plot for selected variables and dates.