Evaluate Treatment Selection Biomarkers

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Documentation for package ‘TreatmentSelection’ version 2.1.1

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TreatmentSelection-package Evaluate markers used to guide patient treatment selection decisions
calibrate method for calibrating trtsel objects
calibrate.trtsel assess model calibration of a trtsel object
compare method to compare trtsel objects
compare.trtsel compare the performance of two treatment selection markers
evaluate a method for evaluating a trtsel object
evaluate.trtsel evaluate the performance of one or more biomarkers for their ability to guide patient treatment recommendations.
is.trtsel is x a trtsel object?
plot plot risk curves, treatment effect curves or cdf of risk for a trtsel object.
plot.trtsel plot risk curves, treatment effect curves or cdf of risk for a trtsel object.
print.calibrate.trtsel print a trtsel object
print.compare.trtsel print a trtsel object
print.eval.trtsel print a trtsel object
print.trtsel print a trtsel object
print.trtsel_summary_measures print output from 'trtsel_measures'
surv_tsdata sample data for R package TreatmentSelection
TreatmentSelection Evaluate markers used to guide patient treatment selection decisions
trtsel create a trtsel object
trtsel_measures a simple function to estimate performance measures for a rule used to select treatment.
tsdata sample data for R package TreatmentSelection
tsdata_cc sample nested case-control data for R package TreatmentSelection
tsdata_scc sample stratified nested case-control data for R package TreatmentSelection