TraMineR Extension

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Documentation for package ‘TraMineRextras’ version 0.6.7

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TraMineRextras-package TraMineR Extension
convert.g Converting between graphical formats
createdatadiscrete Transform time to event data into a discrete data format
dissindic Sequence marginality and gain indicators.
dissvar.grp Discrepancy by group.
FCE_to_TSE Data conversion from Fixed Column Event format to TSE.
group.p Adds proportion of occurrences to each level names
HSPELL_to_STS Data conversion from Horizontal Spell to STS.
pamward PAM from k-solution of hierarchical clustering
plot.dynin Dynamic index plot
plot.emlt Emlt Plots
plot.SAMM Sequence Analysis Multistate Model (SAMM) procedure
plot.seqimplic Position wise group-typical states
plot.stslist.surv Plot method for objects produced by the seqsurv function
polyads Polyadic data example
print.dynin Dynamic index
print.seqimplic Position wise group-typical states
rowmode Modal state of a variable
seqauto Auto-association between states
seqBIC BIC and Likelihood ratio test for comparing two sequence data
seqCompare BIC and Likelihood ratio test for comparing two sequence data
seqcta Competing Trajectory Analysis (CTA)
seqe2stm Definition of an events to states matrix.
seqedist Distances between event sequences
seqedplot Graphical representation of a set of events sequences.
seqemlt Euclidean Coordinates for Longitudinal Timelines
seqentrans Event sequence length and number of events
seqerulesdisc Extract association rules using discrete time regression models
seqgen.missing Generate random missing states within a state sequence object
seqgranularity Changing sequence time granularity by aggregating positions
seqimplic Position wise group-typical states
seqindic.dyn Dynamic index
seqLRT BIC and Likelihood ratio test for comparing two sequence data
seqplot.rf Relative Frequency Sequence Plots.
seqplot.tentrop Plotting superposed transversal-entropy curves
seqplot.tentrop.m Plotting superposed transversal-entropy curves
seqpolyads Measuring the Degree of Within-Polyadic Similarities
seqrep.grp Finding representative sets by group and their quality statistics.
seqsamm Sequence Analysis Multistate Model (SAMM) procedure
seqsammeha Sequence Analysis Multistate Model (SAMM) procedure
seqsammseq Sequence Analysis Multistate Model (SAMM) procedure
seqsha Sequence History Analysis (SHA)
seqsplot Plot survival curves of the states in sequences
seqstart Aligning sequence data on a new start time.
seqsurv Generate a survfit object for state survival times.
seqtabstocc Frequencies of state co-occurrence patterns
sorti Sort sequences by states at the successive positions
sortv Sort sequences by states at the successive positions
toPersonPeriod Converting into person-period format.
TraMineRextras TraMineR Extension
TSE_to_STS Converting TSE data into STS (state sequences) format.