add_column_headers {Tplyr}R Documentation

Attach column headers to a Tplyr output


When working with 'huxtable' tables, column headers can be controlled as if they are rows in the data frame. add_column_headers eases the process of introducing these headers.


add_column_headers(.data, s, header_n = NULL)



The data.frame/tibble on which the headers shall be attached


The text containing the intended header string


A header_n or generic data.frame to use for binding count values. This is required if you are using the token replacement.


Headers are created by providing a single string. Columns are specified by delimitting each header with a '|' symbol. Instead of specifying the destination of each header, add_column_headers assumes that you have organized the columns of your data frame before hand. This means that after you use Tplyr::build(), if you'd like to reorganize the default column order (which is simply alphabetical), simply pass the build output to a dplyr::select or dplyr::relocate statement before passing into add_column_headers.

Spanning headers are also supported. A spanning header is an overarching header that sits across multiple columns. Spanning headers are introduced to add_column_header by providing the spanner text (i.e. the text that you'd like to sit in the top row), and then the spanned text (the bottom row) within curly brackets ('{}). For example, take the iris dataset. We have the names:

"Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width" "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width" "Species"

If we wanted to provide a header string for this dataset, with spanners to help with categorization of the variables, we could provide the following string:

"Sepal {Length | Width} | Petal {Length | Width} | Species"


A data.frame with the processed header string elements attached as the top rows

Important note

Make sure you are aware of the order of your variables prior to passing in to add_column_headers. The only requirement is that the number of column match. The rest is up to you.

Development notes

There are a few features of add_column_header that are intended but not yet supported:

Token Replacement

This function has support for reading values from the header_n object in a Tplyr table and adding them in the column headers. Note: The order of the parameters passed in the token is important. They should be first the treatment variable then any cols variables in the order they were passed in the table construction.

Use a double asterisk "**" at the begining to start the token and another double asterisk to close it. You can separate column parameters in the token with a single underscore. For example, **group1_flag2_param3** will pull the count from the header_n binding for group1 in the treat_var, flag2 in the first cols argument, and param3 in the second cols argument.

You can pass fewer arguments in the token to get the sum of multiple columns. For example, **group1** would get the sum of the group1 treat_var, and all cols from the header_n.


# Load in pipe
header_string <- "Sepal {Length | Width} | Petal {Length | Width} | Species"

iris2 <- iris %>%

iris2 %>% add_column_headers(header_string)

# Example with counts
mtcars2 <- mtcars %>%

t <- tplyr_table(mtcars2, vs, cols = am) %>%

b_t <- build(t) %>%

count_string <- paste0(" | V N=**0** {auto N=**0_0** | man N=**0_1**} |",
                       " S N=**1** {auto N=**1_0** | man N=**1_1**} | | ")

add_column_headers(b_t, count_string, header_n(t))

[Package Tplyr version 1.2.1 Index]