tooManyCells {TooManyCellsR} | R Documentation |
Execute 'too-many-cells'.
This function will run 'too-many-cells' on a Matrix. Requires 'TooManyCells' to be installed (follow instructions at ).
tooManyCells(mat, args = c("make-tree"), labels = NULL,
output = "out", prior = NULL, docker = NULL, mounts = c())
mat |
The input Matrix with gene row names and cell barcode column names. |
args |
The arguments to give to the command line program. See for more information. Defaults to "make-tree". |
labels |
The input labels data frame with item (cell barcodes) and label (whatever labels you want to give them, such as tissue of origin, celltype, etc.) columns. Optional. |
output |
The output folder for the 'too-many-cells' process. Defaults to "out". |
prior |
The location of the tree that was already made (previous 'too-many-cells' output) so quick visual or pruning changes can be made without remaking the tree (can potentially save hours). |
docker |
If using 'too-many-cells' with docker, use this argument as the command to call. For instance, if version was pulled from Docker Hub, set to "gregoryschwartz/too-many-cells:". |
mounts |
Additional directories to mount if needed for docker. The 'prior' argument will automatically mount if specified. |
A list of each output, including the stdout. Reads the following files, see for more details: "dendrogram.svg", "clumpiness.pdf", "projection.pdf", "label_projection.pdf", "clumpiness.csv", "cluster_info.csv", "node_info.csv", and "cluster_diversity.csv".
input <- system.file("extdata", "mat.csv", package="TooManyCellsR")
inputLabels <- system.file("extdata", "labels.csv", package="TooManyCellsR")
df = read.csv(input, row.names = 1, header = TRUE)
mat = Matrix::Matrix(as.matrix(df), sparse = TRUE)
labelsDf = read.csv(inputLabels, header = TRUE)
# Here we draw this small toy example with no filter or normalization, and
# decrease the size of the branches and increase the size of the leaf nodes.
# With non-toy real world single cell data, these options should not be
# necessary.
## Not run:
res = tooManyCells( mat, labels = labelsDf
, args = c( "make-tree"
, "--no-filter"
, "--normalization", "NoneNorm"
, "--draw-max-node-size", "40"
, "--draw-max-leaf-node-size", "70"
plot(res$treePlot, axes = FALSE)
## End(Not run)