Tinflex.setup {Tinflex}R Documentation

Create Tinflex Generator Objects


Create a generator object of class "Tinflex" or "TinflexC".


Tinflex.setup(lpdf, dlpdf, d2lpdf=NULL, ib, cT=0, rho=1.1, max.intervals=1001)
Tinflex.setup.C(lpdf, dlpdf, d2lpdf=NULL, ib, cT=0, rho=1.1, max.intervals=1001)



log-density of targent distribution. (function)


first derivative of log-density. (function)


second derivative of log-density. (function, optional)


break points for partition of domain of log-density. (numeric vector of length greater than 1)


parameter for transformation TcT_c. (numeric vector of length 1 or of length length(ib)-1)


performance parameter: requested upper bound for ratio of area below hat to area below squeeze. (numeric)


maximal numbers of intervals. (numeric)


Algorithm Tinflex is a flexible algorithm that works (in theory) for all distributions that have a piecewise twice differentiable density function. The algorithm is based on the transformed density rejection algorithm which is a variant of the acceptance-rejection algorithm where the density of the targent distribution is transformed by means of some transformation TcT_c. Hat and squeeze functions of the density are then constructed by means of tangents and secants.

The algorithm uses family TcT_c of transformations, where

T_c(x) = \left\{\begin{array}{lcl}% \log(x) & \quad & \mbox{for $c=0\,,$}\\ \mbox{sign}(c)\; x^c && \mbox{for $c\not=0\,.$} \end{array}\right.

Parameter cc is given by argument cT.

The algorithm requires the following input from the user:

The starting partition of the domain of the target distribution into non-overlapping intervals has to satisfy the following conditions:

Argument d2lpdf is optional. If d2lpdf=NULL, then a variant of the method is used, that determines intervals where the transformed density is concave or convex without means of the second derivative of the log-density.

Parameter cT is either a single numeric, that is, the same transformation TcT_c is used for all subintervals of the domain, or it can be set independently for each of these intervals. In the latter case length(cT) must be equal to the number of intervals, that is, equal to length(ib)-1. For the choice of cT the following should be taken into consideration:

Parameter rho is a performance parameter. It defines an upper bound for ratio of the area below the hat function to the area below the squeeze function. This parameter is an upper bound of the rejection constant. More importantly, it provides an approximation to the number of (time consuming) evalutions of the log-density function lpdf. For rho=1.01, the log-density function is evaluated once for a sample of 300 random points. However, values of rho close to 1 also increase the table size and thus make the setup more expensive.

Parameter max.intervals defines the maximal number of subintervals and thus the maximal table size. Putting an upper bound on the table size prevents the algorithm from accidentally exhausting all of the computer memory due to invalid input. It is very unlikely that one has to increase the default value.


Routine Tinflex.setup returns an object of class "Tinflex" that stores the random variate generator (density, hat and squeeze functions, cumulated areas below hat). For details see sources of the algorithm or execute print(gen,debug=TRUE) with an object gen of class "Tinflex".

Routine Tinflex.setup.C is equivalent to Tinflex.setup but does all computations entirely in C. It returns an object of class "TinflexC" which is equivalent to class "Tinflex" but stores all data in an C structure instead of an R list.


It is very important to note that the user is responsible for the correctness of the supplied arguments. Since the algorithm works (in theory) for all distributions with piecewise twice differentiable density functions, it is not possible to detect improper arguments. It is thus recommended that the user inspect the generator object visually by means of the plot method (see plot.Tinflex for details).


Josef Leydold josef.leydold@wu.ac.at, Carsten Botts and Wolfgang Hörmann.


C. Botts, W. Hörmann, and J. Leydold (2013), Transformed Density Rejection with Inflection Points, Statistics and Computing 23(2), 251–260, doi:10.1007/s11222-011-9306-4. See also Research Report Series / Department of Statistics and Mathematics Nr. 110, Department of Statistics and Mathematics, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, https://epub.wu.ac.at/id/eprint/3158.

W. Hörmann, and J. Leydold (2022), A Generalized Transformed Density Rejection Algorithm, in: Advances in Modeling and Simulation, Ch. 14, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-10193-9_14, accepted for publication.. See also Research Report Series / Department of Statistics and Mathematics Nr. 135, Department of Statistics and Mathematics, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, https://research.wu.ac.at/de/publications/a-generalized-transformed-density-rejection-algorithm.

See Also

See Tinflex.sample for drawing random samples, plot.Tinflex and print.Tinflex for printing and plotting objects of class "Tinflex".


## Example 1: Bimodal density
##   Density  f(x) = exp( -|x|^alpha + s*|x|^beta + eps*|x|^2 )
##   with alpha > beta >= 2 and s, eps > 0

alpha <- 4.2
beta <- 2.1
s <- 1
eps <- 0.1

## Log-density and its derivatives.
lpdf   <- function(x) { -abs(x)^alpha + s*abs(x)^beta + eps*abs(x)^2 }
dlpdf  <- function(x) { (sign(x) * (-alpha*abs(x)^(alpha-1)
                           + s*beta*abs(x)^(beta-1) + 2*eps*abs(x))) }
d2lpdf <- function(x) { (-alpha*(alpha-1)*abs(x)^(alpha-2)
                          + s*beta*(beta-1)*abs(x)^(beta-2) + 2*eps) }

## Parameter cT=0 (default):
##   There are two inflection points on either side of 0.
ib <- c(-Inf, 0, Inf)

## Create generator object.
gen <- Tinflex.setup.C(lpdf, dlpdf, d2lpdf, ib=c(-Inf,0,Inf), rho=1.1)

## Print data about generator object.

## Draw a random sample
Tinflex.sample(gen, n=10)

## Inspect hat and squeeze visually in original scale
plot(gen, from=-2.5, to=2.5)
## ... and in transformed (log) scale.
plot(gen, from=-2.5, to=2.5, is.trans=TRUE)

## With Version 2.0 the setup also works without providing the
## second derivative of the log-density
gen <- Tinflex.setup.C(lpdf, dlpdf, d2lpdf=NULL, ib=c(-Inf,0,Inf), rho=1.1)
Tinflex.sample(gen, n=10)

## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## Example 2: Exponential Power Distribution
##   Density  f(x) = exp( -|x|^alpha )
##   with alpha > 0  [ >= 0.015 due to limitations of FPA ]

alpha <- 0.5

## Log-density and its derivatives.
lpdf   <- function(x) { -abs(x)^alpha }
dlpdf  <- function(x) { if (x==0) {0} else {-sign(x) * alpha*abs(x)^(alpha-1)}}
d2lpdf <- function(x) { -alpha*(alpha-1)*abs(x)^(alpha-2) }

## Parameter cT=-0.5:
##   There are two inflection points on either side of 0 and
##   a cusp at 0. Thus we need a partition point that separates
##   the inflection points from the cusp.
ib <- c(-Inf, -(1-alpha)/2, 0, (1-alpha)/2, Inf)

## Create generator object with c = -0.5.
gen <- Tinflex.setup.C(lpdf, dlpdf, d2lpdf, ib=ib, cT=-0.5, rho=1.1)

## Print data about generator object.

## Draw a random sample.
Tinflex.sample(gen, n=10)

## Inspect hat and squeeze visually in original scale
plot(gen, from=-4, to=4)
## ... and in transformed (log) scale.
plot(gen, from=-4, to=4, is.trans=TRUE)

## With Version 2.0 the setup also works without providing the
## second derivative of the log-density
gen <- Tinflex.setup.C(lpdf, dlpdf, d2lpdf=NULL, ib=ib, cT=-0.5, rho=1.1)
Tinflex.sample(gen, n=10)

## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## Example 3: Generalized Inverse Gaussian Distribution
##   Density  f(x) = x^(lambda-1) * exp(-omega/2 * (x+1/x))   x>= 0
##   with 0 < lambda < 1 and 0 < omega <= 0.5

la <- 0.4     ## lambda
om <- 1.e-7   ## omega

## Log-density and its derivatives.
lpdf   <- function(x) { ifelse (x==0., -Inf, ((la - 1) * log(x) - om/2*(x+1/x))) }
dlpdf  <- function(x) { if (x==0) { Inf} else {(om + 2*(la-1)*x-om*x^2)/(2*x^2)} }
d2lpdf <- function(x) { if (x==0) {-Inf} else {-(om - x + la*x)/x^3} }

## Parameter cT=0 near 0 and cT=-0.5 at tail:
ib <- c(0, (3/2*om/(1-la) + 2/9*(1-la)/om), Inf)
cT <- c(0,-0.5)

## Create generator object.
gen <- Tinflex.setup.C(lpdf, dlpdf, d2lpdf, ib=ib, cT=cT, rho=1.1)

## Print data about generator object.

## Draw a random sample.
Tinflex.sample(gen, n=10)

## Inspect hat and squeeze visually in original scale
plot(gen, from=0, to=5)

## With Version 2.0 the setup also works without providing the
## second derivative of the log-density
gen <- Tinflex.setup.C(lpdf, dlpdf, d2lpdf=NULL, ib=ib, cT=cT, rho=1.1)
Tinflex.sample(gen, n=10)

[Package Tinflex version 2.4 Index]