matchLabels {Thresher}R Documentation

Match Arbitrary Class Assignments Across Methods


These functions provide a set of tools to find the best match between the labels used by two different algorithms to cluster the same set of samples.


labelMatcher(tab, verbose = FALSE)
labelAccuracy(data, labels, linkage="ward.D2")
bestMetric(data, labels)
remap(fix, vary)



A contingency table, represented as a square matrix or table as an R object. Both dimensions represent an assignment of class labels, with each row and column representing one of the labels. Entries should be non-negative integer counts of the number of objects having the labels represented by the row and column.


A logical value; should the routine print something out periodically so you know it's still working?


A matrix whose columns represent objects to be clustered and whose rows represent the anonymous features used to perform the clustering.


A factor (or character vector) of class labels for the objects in the data matrix.


A linkage rule accepted by the hclust function.


A vector of cluater assignments.


A vector of cluater assignments.


In the most general sense, clustering can be viewed as a function from the space of "objects" of interest into a space of "class labels". In less mathematical terms, this simply means that each object gets assigned an (arbitrary) class label. This is all well-and-good until you try to compare the results of running two different clustering algorithms that use different labels (or even worse, use the same labels – typically the integers 1,2,,K1, 2, \dots, K – with different meanings). When that happens, you need a way to decide which labels from the different sets are closest to meaning the "same thing".

That's where this set of functions comes in. The core algorithm is implemented in the function labelMatcher, which works on a contingency table whose entries NijN_{ij} are the number of samples with row-label = ii and column-label = jj. To find the best match, one computes (heuristically) the values FijF_{ij} that describe the fraction of all entries in row ii and column jj represented by NijN_{ij}. Perfectly matched labels would consist of a row ii and a column jj where NijN_{ij} is the only nonzero entry in its row and column, so Fij=1F_{ij} = 1. The largest value for FijF_{ij} (with ties broken simply by which entry is closer to the upper-left corner of the matrix) defines the best match. The matched row and column are then removed from the matrix and the process repeats recursively.

We apply this method to determine which distance metric, when used in hierarchical clustering, best matches a "gold standard" set of class labels. (These may not really be gold, of course; they can also be a set of labels determined by k-means or another clustering algorithm.) The idea is to cluster the samples using a variety of different metrics, and select the one whose label assignments best macth the standard.


The labelMatcher function returns a list of two vectors of the same length. These contain the matched label-indices, in the order they were matched by the algorithm.

The matchLabels function is a user-friendly front-end to the labelmatcher function. It returns a matrix, with the rows and columns reordered so the labels match.

The countAgreement function returns an integer, the number of samples with the "same" labels, computed by summing the diagonal of the reordered matrix produced by matchLabels.

The labelAccuracy function returns a vector indexed by the set of nine distance metrics hard-coded in the function. Each entry is the fraction of samples whose hierarchical clusters match the prespecified labels.

The bestMetric function is a user-friendly front-end to the labelAccuracy function. It returns the name of the distance metric whose hierarchical clusters best match the prespecified labels.

The remap function takes two sets of integer cluster assignments and returns a new set of labels for the target that best matches the source.


The labelAccuracy function should probably allow the user to supply a list of distance metrics instead of relying on the hard-coded list internally.


Kevin R. Coombes <>

See Also

Hierarchical clustering is implemented in the hclust function. We use the extended set of distance metrics provided by the distanceMatrix function from the ClassDiscovery package. This set includes all of the metrics from the dist funciton.


factor1 <- sample(c("A", "B", "C"), 30, replace=TRUE)
factor2 <- rep(c("X", "Y", "Z"), each=10)
tab <- table(factor1, factor2)
R <- remap(factor1, factor2)
table(R, factor2) # remapping
table(R, factor1) # cross-comparison

[Package Thresher version 1.1.4 Index]