Thermal Image Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘Thermimage’ version 4.1.3

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Thermimage-package Handles thermal image data input and conversion to temperature using established physical equations.
airdensity Returns the density of air for a given air temperature.
airspecificheat Specific heat capacity of air
airtconductivity Thermal conductivity of air.
airviscosity Returns air viscosity for a given air temperature.
areacone Provides the surface are of a cone
areacylinder Provides the surface area of a cylinder.
areasphere Provides the surface area of a sphere.
convertflirJPG Convert FLIR jpg into 16 bit grayscale file using shell commands.
convertflirVID Convert FLIR CSQ or SEQ into PNG or AVI, using shell commands.
cumulDiff Cumulative difference sum function for use with frame by frame difference dataframe
diffFrame A frame difference function for subtracting adjacent frames from an imported thermal image sequence.
ffmpegcall A simplified wrapper function calling ffmpeg
flip.matrix Flips a matrix 'left-right'. Used in re-arranging image data for plotting properly in R.
flirpal Colour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
flirsettings Extracts meta tag information from a FLIR JPG image
forcedparameters Parameters required for forced convection equation.
frameLocates Find the frame read start positions in a FLIR SEQ video file.
freeparameters Parameters required for free convection equation.
getFrames Extract raw binary thermal from thermal image file.
getTimes Extracts time values from binary imported thermal video file
glowbowpal Colour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
Grashof Determines the Grashof number for an object
grey10pal Colour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
grey120pal Colour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
greyredpal Colour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
hconv Convective heat coefficient (W/m2/oC)
hotironpal Colour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
ironbowpal Colour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
Ld Estimates downward facing longwave radiation (W/m2)
locate.fid Returns the index locations that match vector fid within data vector.
Lu Estimates upward facing ground radiation (W/m2)
Lw Estimates downward facing longwave radiation (W/m2)
meanEveryN Calculate the mean every nth data point.
medicalpal Colour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
midgreenpal Colour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
midgreypal Colour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
mikronprismpal Colour palette extracted from Mikron thermal camera files
mikroscanpal Colour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
mirror.matrix Mirrors a matrix upside-down. Used in re-arranging image data for plotting properly in R.
nameleadzero Add leading zeros to character for easy sequential naming of filenames.
Nusseltforced Nusselt number for forced convection.
Nusseltfree Nusselt number for free convection.
palette.choose Choose a colour palette for gradient filling thermal image files.
plotTherm Plot thermal image data for visualisation purposes.
Prandtl Returns the Prandtl number
qabs Estimates the absorbed solar and infrared radiation (W/m2)
qcond Estimates the area specific heat transfer by conduction (W/m2)
qconv Estimates the area specific heat transfer by convection (W/m2)
qrad Estimates the area specific heat transfer by radiation (W/m2)
rainbow1234pal Colour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
rainbowpal Colour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files
raw2temp Converts raw thermal data into temperature (oC)
readflirJPG Reads an image from a FLIR JPG file into an integer array.
Reynolds Calculates the Reynolds number.
rotate180.matrix Rotate a matrix by 180 degrees. Used for adjusting image plotting in R.
rotate270.matrix Rotate a matrix by 270 degrees counterclockwise (or 90 degree clockwise). Used for adjusting image plotting in R.
rotate90.matrix Rotate a matrix by 90 degrees counterclockwise (270 degrees clockwise). Used for adjusting image plotting in R.
samp.image A sample thermal image to demonstrate thermal colour palette use.
slopebypoint Returns the slope from linear regression with x values as equally spaced 1:length
slopeEveryN Calculate the slope every nth data point.
StephBoltz The Stephan Boltzman constant.
Te Operative temperature estimate.
temp2raw Converts temperature (oC) to raw thermal data
Teq Estimates equivalent temperature.
Tground Estimates ground temperature from ambient temperature and solar radiation.
Thermimage Handles thermal image data input and conversion to temperature using established physical equations.
thermsum Return summary of thermal image data.
thermsumcent Summary thermal calculations on a centrally located region of interest from a thermal image dataset
writeFlirBin Saves thermal image data to a binary file
yellowpal Colour palette extracted from FLIR thermal camera files