AddToHoldridge |
Add elements to ternary or Holdridge plot |
AddToTernary |
Add elements to ternary or Holdridge plot |
Annotate |
Annotate points on a ternary plot |
cbPalette13 |
Palettes compatible with colour blindness |
cbPalette15 |
Palettes compatible with colour blindness |
cbPalette8 |
Palettes compatible with colour blindness |
cbPalettes |
Palettes compatible with colour blindness |
ColorTernary |
Colour a ternary plot according to the output of a function |
ColourTernary |
Colour a ternary plot according to the output of a function |
GrowPolygon |
Polygon geometry |
holdridge |
Random sample of points for Holdridge plotting |
HoldridgeArrows |
Add elements to ternary or Holdridge plot |
HoldridgeBelts |
Plot life zones on a Holdridge plot |
holdridgeClasses |
Names of the 38 classes defined with the Holdridge system |
holdridgeClassesUp |
Names of the 38 classes defined with the Holdridge system |
HoldridgeHexagons |
Plot life zones on a Holdridge plot |
HoldridgeHypsometricCol |
Convert a point in evapotranspiration-precipitation space to an appropriate cross-blended hypsometric colour |
holdridgeLifeZones |
Names of the 38 classes defined with the Holdridge system |
holdridgeLifeZonesUp |
Names of the 38 classes defined with the Holdridge system |
HoldridgeLines |
Add elements to ternary or Holdridge plot |
HoldridgePlot |
Plot life zones on a Holdridge plot |
HoldridgePoints |
Add elements to ternary or Holdridge plot |
HoldridgePolygon |
Add elements to ternary or Holdridge plot |
HoldridgeText |
Add elements to ternary or Holdridge plot |
HorizontalGrid |
Create a ternary plot |
JoinTheDots |
Add elements to ternary or Holdridge plot |
OutsidePlot |
Is a point in the plotting area? |
Polygon-Geometry |
Polygon geometry |
PolygonArea |
Polygon geometry |
PolygonCenter |
Polygon geometry |
PolygonCentre |
Polygon geometry |
ReflectedEquivalents |
Reflected equivalents of points outside the ternary plot |
TernaryApp |
Graphical user interface for creating ternary plots |
TernaryArrows |
Add elements to ternary or Holdridge plot |
TernaryContour |
Add contours to a ternary plot |
TernaryCoords |
Convert ternary coordinates to Cartesian space |
TernaryDensity |
Value of a function at regularly spaced points |
TernaryDensityContour |
Add contours of estimated point density to a ternary plot |
TernaryDownTiles |
Paint tiles on ternary plot |
TernaryLeftTiles |
Paint tiles on ternary plot |
TernaryLines |
Add elements to ternary or Holdridge plot |
TernaryPlot |
Create a ternary plot |
TernaryPoints |
Add elements to ternary or Holdridge plot |
TernaryPointValues |
Value of a function at regularly spaced points |
TernaryPolygon |
Add elements to ternary or Holdridge plot |
TernaryRightTiles |
Paint tiles on ternary plot |
TernarySegments |
Add elements to ternary or Holdridge plot |
TernaryText |
Add elements to ternary or Holdridge plot |
TernaryTiles |
Paint tiles on ternary plot |
TernaryToXY |
Convert ternary coordinates to Cartesian space |
TernaryToXY.matrix |
Convert ternary coordinates to Cartesian space |
TernaryToXY.numeric |
Convert ternary coordinates to Cartesian space |
TernaryUpTiles |
Paint tiles on ternary plot |
TernaryXRange |
X and Y coordinates of ternary plotting area |
TernaryYRange |
X and Y coordinates of ternary plotting area |
TriangleCentres |
Coordinates of triangle mid-points |
TriangleInHull |
Does triangle overlap convex hull of points? |
XYToHoldridge |
Cartesian coordinates to ternary point |
XYToPetPrec |
Cartesian coordinates to ternary point |
XYToTernary |
Cartesian coordinates to ternary point |