HT {TeachingSampling} | R Documentation |
The Horvitz-Thompson Estimator
Computes the Horvitz-Thompson estimator of the population total for several variables of interest
HT(y, Pik)
y |
Vector, matrix or data frame containing the recollected information of the variables of interest for every unit in the selected sample |
Pik |
A vector containing the inclusion probabilities for each unit in the selected sample |
The Horvitz-Thompson estimator is given by
\sum_{k \in U}\frac{y_k}{{\pi}_k}
where y_k
is the value of the variables of interest for the k
th unit, and {\pi}_k
its corresponding inclusion probability. This estimator could be used for without replacement designs
as well as for with replacement designs.
The function returns a vector of total population estimates for each variable of interest.
Hugo Andres Gutierrez Rojas
Sarndal, C-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992), Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer.
Gutierrez, H. A. (2009), Estrategias de muestreo: Diseno de encuestas y estimacion de parametros.
Editorial Universidad Santo Tomas.
See Also
## Example 1
# Uses the Lucy data to draw a simple random sample without replacement
N <- dim(Lucy)[1]
n <- 400
sam <- sample(N,n)
# The vector of inclusion probabilities for each unit in the sample
pik <- rep(n/N,n)
# The information about the units in the sample is stored in an object called data
data <- Lucy[sam,]
# The variables of interest are: Income, Employees and Taxes
# This information is stored in a data frame called estima
estima <- data.frame(Income, Employees, Taxes)
HT(estima, pik)
## Example 2
# Uses the Lucy data to draw a simple random sample with replacement
N <- dim(Lucy)[1]
m <- 400
sam <- sample(N,m,replace=TRUE)
# The vector of selection probabilities of units in the sample
pk <- rep(1/N,m)
# Computation of the inclusion probabilities
pik <- 1-(1-pk)^m
# The information about the units in the sample is stored in an object called data
data <- Lucy[sam,]
# The variables of interest are: Income, Employees and Taxes
# This information is stored in a data frame called estima
estima <- data.frame(Income, Employees, Taxes)
HT(estima, pik)
## Example 3
# Without replacement sampling
# Vector U contains the label of a population of size N=5
U <- c("Yves", "Ken", "Erik", "Sharon", "Leslie")
# Vector y1 and y2 are the values of the variables of interest
y1<-c(32, 34, 46, 89, 35)
# The population size is N=5
N <- length(U)
# The sample size is n=2
n <- 2
# The sample membership matrix for fixed size without replacement sampling designs
Ind <- Ik(N,n)
# p is the probability of selection of every possible sample
p <- c(0.13, 0.2, 0.15, 0.1, 0.15, 0.04, 0.02, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08)
# Computation of the inclusion probabilities
inclusion <- Pik(p, Ind)
# Selection of a random sample
sam <- sample(5,2)
# The selected sample
# The inclusion probabilities for these two units
# The values of the variables of interest for the units in the sample
# The Horvitz-Thompson estimator
## Example 4
# Following Example 3... With replacement sampling
# The population size is N=5
N <- length(U)
# The sample size is m=2
m <- 2
# pk is the probability of selection of every single unit
pk <- c(0.9, 0.025, 0.025, 0.025, 0.025)
# Computation of the inclusion probabilities
pik <- 1-(1-pk)^m
# Selection of a random sample with replacement
sam <- sample(5,2, replace=TRUE, prob=pk)
# The selected sample
# The inclusion probabilities for these two units
# The values of the variables of interest for the units in the sample
# The Horvitz-Thompson estimator
## Example 5 HT is unbiased for without replacement sampling designs
## Fixed sample size
# Vector U contains the label of a population of size N=5
U <- c("Yves", "Ken", "Erik", "Sharon", "Leslie")
# Vector y1 and y2 are the values of the variables of interest
y<-c(32, 34, 46, 89, 35)
# The population size is N=5
N <- length(U)
# The sample size is n=2
n <- 2
# The sample membership matrix for fixed size without replacement sampling designs
Ind <- Ik(N,n)
# p is the probability of selection of every possible sample
p <- c(0.13, 0.2, 0.15, 0.1, 0.15, 0.04, 0.02, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08)
# Computation of the inclusion probabilities
inclusion <- Pik(p, Ind)
# The support with the values of the elements
Qy <-Support(N,n,ID=y)
# The HT estimates for every single sample in the support
HT1<- HT(y[Ind[1,]==1], inclusion[Ind[1,]==1])
HT2<- HT(y[Ind[2,]==1], inclusion[Ind[2,]==1])
HT3<- HT(y[Ind[3,]==1], inclusion[Ind[3,]==1])
HT4<- HT(y[Ind[4,]==1], inclusion[Ind[4,]==1])
HT5<- HT(y[Ind[5,]==1], inclusion[Ind[5,]==1])
HT6<- HT(y[Ind[6,]==1], inclusion[Ind[6,]==1])
HT7<- HT(y[Ind[7,]==1], inclusion[Ind[7,]==1])
HT8<- HT(y[Ind[8,]==1], inclusion[Ind[8,]==1])
HT9<- HT(y[Ind[9,]==1], inclusion[Ind[9,]==1])
HT10<- HT(y[Ind[10,]==1], inclusion[Ind[10,]==1])
# The HT estimates arranged in a vector
Est <- c(HT1, HT2, HT3, HT4, HT5, HT6, HT7, HT8, HT9, HT10)
# The HT is actually desgn-unbiased
data.frame(Ind, Est, p)
## Example 6 HT is unbiased for without replacement sampling designs
## Random sample size
# Vector U contains the label of a population of size N=5
U <- c("Yves", "Ken", "Erik", "Sharon", "Leslie")
# Vector y1 and y2 are the values of the variables of interest
y<-c(32, 34, 46, 89, 35)
# The population size is N=5
N <- length(U)
# The sample membership matrix for random size without replacement sampling designs
Ind <- IkRS(N)
# p is the probability of selection of every possible sample
p <- c(0.59049, 0.06561, 0.06561, 0.06561, 0.06561, 0.06561, 0.00729, 0.00729,
0.00729, 0.00729, 0.00729, 0.00729, 0.00729, 0.00729, 0.00729, 0.00729, 0.00081,
0.00081, 0.00081, 0.00081, 0.00081, 0.00081, 0.00081, 0.00081, 0.00081, 0.00081,
0.00009, 0.00009, 0.00009, 0.00009, 0.00009, 0.00001)
# Computation of the inclusion probabilities
inclusion <- Pik(p, Ind)
# The support with the values of the elements
Qy <-SupportRS(N, ID=y)
# The HT estimates for every single sample in the support
HT1<- HT(y[Ind[1,]==1], inclusion[Ind[1,]==1])
HT2<- HT(y[Ind[2,]==1], inclusion[Ind[2,]==1])
HT3<- HT(y[Ind[3,]==1], inclusion[Ind[3,]==1])
HT4<- HT(y[Ind[4,]==1], inclusion[Ind[4,]==1])
HT5<- HT(y[Ind[5,]==1], inclusion[Ind[5,]==1])
HT6<- HT(y[Ind[6,]==1], inclusion[Ind[6,]==1])
HT7<- HT(y[Ind[7,]==1], inclusion[Ind[7,]==1])
HT8<- HT(y[Ind[8,]==1], inclusion[Ind[8,]==1])
HT9<- HT(y[Ind[9,]==1], inclusion[Ind[9,]==1])
HT10<- HT(y[Ind[10,]==1], inclusion[Ind[10,]==1])
HT11<- HT(y[Ind[11,]==1], inclusion[Ind[11,]==1])
HT12<- HT(y[Ind[12,]==1], inclusion[Ind[12,]==1])
HT13<- HT(y[Ind[13,]==1], inclusion[Ind[13,]==1])
HT14<- HT(y[Ind[14,]==1], inclusion[Ind[14,]==1])
HT15<- HT(y[Ind[15,]==1], inclusion[Ind[15,]==1])
HT16<- HT(y[Ind[16,]==1], inclusion[Ind[16,]==1])
HT17<- HT(y[Ind[17,]==1], inclusion[Ind[17,]==1])
HT18<- HT(y[Ind[18,]==1], inclusion[Ind[18,]==1])
HT19<- HT(y[Ind[19,]==1], inclusion[Ind[19,]==1])
HT20<- HT(y[Ind[20,]==1], inclusion[Ind[20,]==1])
HT21<- HT(y[Ind[21,]==1], inclusion[Ind[21,]==1])
HT22<- HT(y[Ind[22,]==1], inclusion[Ind[22,]==1])
HT23<- HT(y[Ind[23,]==1], inclusion[Ind[23,]==1])
HT24<- HT(y[Ind[24,]==1], inclusion[Ind[24,]==1])
HT25<- HT(y[Ind[25,]==1], inclusion[Ind[25,]==1])
HT26<- HT(y[Ind[26,]==1], inclusion[Ind[26,]==1])
HT27<- HT(y[Ind[27,]==1], inclusion[Ind[27,]==1])
HT28<- HT(y[Ind[28,]==1], inclusion[Ind[28,]==1])
HT29<- HT(y[Ind[29,]==1], inclusion[Ind[29,]==1])
HT30<- HT(y[Ind[30,]==1], inclusion[Ind[30,]==1])
HT31<- HT(y[Ind[31,]==1], inclusion[Ind[31,]==1])
HT32<- HT(y[Ind[32,]==1], inclusion[Ind[32,]==1])
# The HT estimates arranged in a vector
Est <- c(HT1, HT2, HT3, HT4, HT5, HT6, HT7, HT8, HT9, HT10, HT11, HT12, HT13,
HT14, HT15, HT16, HT17, HT18, HT19, HT20, HT21, HT22, HT23, HT24, HT25, HT26,
HT27, HT28, HT29, HT30, HT31, HT32)
# The HT is actually desgn-unbiased
data.frame(Ind, Est, p)
## Example 7 HT is unbiased for with replacement sampling designs
# Vector U contains the label of a population of size N=5
U <- c("Yves", "Ken", "Erik", "Sharon", "Leslie")
# Vector y1 and y2 are the values of the variables of interest
y<-c(32, 34, 46, 89, 35)
# The population size is N=5
N <- length(U)
# The sample size is m=2
m <- 2
# pk is the probability of selection of every single unit
pk <- c(0.35, 0.225, 0.175, 0.125, 0.125)
# p is the probability of selection of every possible sample
p <- p.WR(N,m,pk)
# The sample membership matrix for random size without replacement sampling designs
Ind <- IkWR(N,m)
# The support with the values of the elements
Qy <- SupportWR(N,m, ID=y)
# Computation of the inclusion probabilities
pik <- 1-(1-pk)^m
# The HT estimates for every single sample in the support
HT1 <- HT(y[Ind[1,]==1], pik[Ind[1,]==1])
HT2 <- HT(y[Ind[2,]==1], pik[Ind[2,]==1])
HT3 <- HT(y[Ind[3,]==1], pik[Ind[3,]==1])
HT4 <- HT(y[Ind[4,]==1], pik[Ind[4,]==1])
HT5 <- HT(y[Ind[5,]==1], pik[Ind[5,]==1])
HT6 <- HT(y[Ind[6,]==1], pik[Ind[6,]==1])
HT7 <- HT(y[Ind[7,]==1], pik[Ind[7,]==1])
HT8 <- HT(y[Ind[8,]==1], pik[Ind[8,]==1])
HT9 <- HT(y[Ind[9,]==1], pik[Ind[9,]==1])
HT10 <- HT(y[Ind[10,]==1], pik[Ind[10,]==1])
HT11 <- HT(y[Ind[11,]==1], pik[Ind[11,]==1])
HT12 <- HT(y[Ind[12,]==1], pik[Ind[12,]==1])
HT13 <- HT(y[Ind[13,]==1], pik[Ind[13,]==1])
HT14 <- HT(y[Ind[14,]==1], pik[Ind[14,]==1])
HT15 <- HT(y[Ind[15,]==1], pik[Ind[15,]==1])
# The HT estimates arranged in a vector
Est <- c(HT1, HT2, HT3, HT4, HT5, HT6, HT7, HT8, HT9, HT10, HT11, HT12, HT13,
HT14, HT15)
# The HT is actually desgn-unbiased
data.frame(Ind, Est, p)