Fits Neural Networks to Learn About Backpropagation

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Documentation for package ‘TeachNet’ version 0.7.1

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TeachNet-package Fit neural networks with up to 2 hidden layers and one output neuron
*-method Weights objects
*-method Weights2 objects
+-method Weights objects
+-method Weights2 objects
--method Weights objects
--method Weights2 objects Computes accuracy
computeGrad1 Computes a gradient
computeGrad2 Computes a gradient
computeOutput1 Computes output
computeOutput2 Computes output
confusion Computes confusion matrix
createWeights1 Creates random weights
createWeights2 Creates random weights
crossEntropy Cross entropy
find.Threshold Finds best threshold
fitTeachNet1 One step in backpropagation
fitTeachNet2 One step in backpropagation
logistic Logistic function
logistic.differential Differential of logistic function
predict.Weights Computes prediction
predict.Weights2 Computes prediction
squaredError Computes squared error
sumCrossEntropy Sums up cross entropy
sumSquaredError Sums up squared error
TeachNet Fits the neural network
transformPrediction Transforms prediction
Weights-class Weights objects
Weights2-class Weights2 objects