SK_EBLUP_LME.f {TapeR} | R Documentation |
Evaluate fitted taper curve
This is the actual function to estimate diameters according to the fitted mixed B-splines model.
SK_EBLUP_LME.f(xm, ym, xp, par.lme, Rfn = list(fn = "sig2"), ...)
xm |
relative heights for which measurements are available |
ym |
corresponding diameter measurements in height |
xp |
relative heights for which predictions are required |
par.lme |
Fitted model object, return of |
Rfn |
list with function name to provide estimated or assumed residual variances for the given measurements, optionally parameters for such functions |
... |
not currently used |
This function is the actual working horse for prediction using the
fitted taper model. Based on the model par.lme
and the measured
diameters ym
and corresponding (relative) heights xm
of a
specific tree (there might be just one measurement), the random
effect parameters and subsequently diameters are estimated. Depending on the
parameter Rfn
, the calibrated taper curve is forced through the
given diameter ym
(Rfn = list(fn="zero")
), or calibrated using
the complete residual variance-covariance information
(Rfn = list(fn="sig2")
, the default).
Further assumptions are possible, see also resVar
Kublin et al. (2013) p. 987 for more details.
a list holding nine elements:
b_fix fixed effects parameter of taper model
b_rnd random effects parameter given tree (posterior mean b_k)
yp estimated diameter in height
KOV_Mean variance-covariance matrix of expected value
KOV_Pred variance-covariance matrix of prediction
CI_Mean mean and limits of confidence interval
MSE_Mean mean squared error of expected value
MSE_Pred mean squared error of prediction
CI_Pred mean and limits of prediction interval
Edgar Kublin
See Also
, E_VOL_AB_HmDm_HT.f
TapeR:::SK_EBLUP_LME.f(1.3/27, 30, 1.3/27, SK.par.lme)
## using empirical best linear unbiased estimator: estimate != 30
TapeR:::SK_EBLUP_LME.f(1.3/27, 30, 1.3/27, SK.par.lme, Rfn=list(fn="sig2"))$yp
## interpolate / force through given diameter: estimate == 30
TapeR:::SK_EBLUP_LME.f(1.3/27, 30, 1.3/27, SK.par.lme, Rfn=list(fn="zero"))$yp
TapeR:::SK_EBLUP_LME.f(1.3/27, 30, c(1.3, 5)/27, SK.par.lme)
par.lme <- SK.par.lme
h <- 12 # tree height
xm <- c(1.3, 3) / h # relative measuring height
ym <- c(8, 7.5) # measured diameter
xp <- c(0.5, 1) / h # relative prediction height
TapeR:::SK_EBLUP_LME.f(xm, ym, xp, SK.par.lme)