TSDT {TSDT} | R Documentation |
Treatment-Specific Subgroup Detection Tool
Implements a method for identifying subgroups with superior response relative to the overall sample.
response = NULL,
response_type = NULL,
survival_model = "kaplan-meier",
percentile = 0.5,
tree_builder = "rpart",
tree_builder_parameters = list(),
trt = NULL,
trt_control = 0,
permute_method = NULL,
permute_arm = NULL,
n_samples = 1,
desirable_response = NULL,
sampling_method = "bootstrap",
inbag_proportion = 0.5,
scoring_function = NULL,
scoring_function_parameters = list(),
inbag_score_margin = 0,
oob_score_margin = 0,
eps = 1e-05,
min_subgroup_n_control = NULL,
min_subgroup_n_trt = NULL,
min_subgroup_n_oob_control = NULL,
min_subgroup_n_oob_trt = NULL,
maxdepth = .Machine$integer.max,
rootcompete = 0,
competedepth = 1,
strength_cutpoints = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3),
n_permutations = 0,
n_cpu = 1,
trace = FALSE
response |
Response variable. |
response_type |
Data type of response. Must be one of binary, continuous, survival. If none provided it will be inferred from the data type of response. (optional) |
survival_model |
The model to use for a survival response. Defaults to kaplan-meier. Other possible values are: coxph, fleming-harrington, fh2, weibull, exponential, gaussian, logistic, lognormal, and loglogistic. (optional) |
percentile |
For a two-arm study this parameter specifies a test for the difference in response percentile across the two treatment arms. For a continuous response the default value for percentile is NULL. Instead, the difference in mean response is computed by default for a continuous response. If the user provides a values of percentile = 0.50 then the difference in median response would be computed. For a survival outcome, the default value for percentile is 0.50, which computes the difference in median survival. |
tree_builder |
The algorithm to use for building the trees. Defaults to rpart. Other possible values include ctree and mob (both from the party package). (optional) |
tree_builder_parameters |
A named list of parameters to pass to the tree-builder. The default tree-builder is rpart. In this case, the parameters passed here would be rpart parameters. Examples might include parameters such as control, cost, weights, na.action, etc. Consult the rpart documentation (or the documentation of your selected tree-builder) for a complete list. (optional) |
covariates |
A data.frame containing the covariates. |
trt |
Treatment variable. Only needed if there are two treatment arms. (optional) |
trt_control |
Value for treatment control arm. This parameter is relevant only for two-arm data. (defaults to 0) |
permute_method |
Indicates whether only the response variable should be permuted in the computation of the p-value, or the response and treatment variable should be permuted together (preserving the treatment-response correlation, but eliminating the correlation with the covariates), or the response variable should be permuted within one treatment arm only. The parameter values for these permutation schemes are (respectively) simple, permute_response_and_treatment, and permute_response_one_arm. See permute_arm to specify which treatment arm is to be permuted. The default permutation scheme is response_one_arm. As noted in the documentation for the permute_arm parameter is to permute the non-control arm. Taken together, this implies the default permutation method for p-value computation is to permute the response in the non-control arm only. For one-arm data only the response is permuted. (optional) |
permute_arm |
Which treatment arm should be permuted? Defaults to the experimental treatment arm – i.e. the treatment arm not matching the value provided in trt_control. For one-arm data only the response is permuted. (optional) |
n_samples |
Number of TSDT_Samples to draw. |
desirable_response |
Direction of desirable response. Valid values are 'increasing' or 'decreasing'. The default value is 'increasing'. It is important to note that although the parameter is called desirable_response, it actually refers to the desirable direction of scoring function values. In most cases there is a positive correlation bewteen the response and scoring function values – i.e. as the response increases the scoring function also increases. One instance for which this relationship between response and scoring function may not hold is when mean_deviance_residuals or diff_mean_deviance_residuals is used as the scoring function. See the help for these scorings function for further details. |
sampling_method |
Sampling method used to populate samples for TSDT in-bag and out-of-bag data. Must be either bootstrap or subsample. Default is bootstrap. |
inbag_proportion |
The proportion of the data to use as the in-bag subset when sampling_method is subsample. |
scoring_function |
Scoring function to compute treatment effect. Links to several possible scoring functions are provided in the See Also section below. |
scoring_function_parameters |
Parameters passed to the scoring function. As an example, the scoring function quantile_response takes a parameter "percentile" which indicates the desired percentile of the response distribution. Thus, if the median response is desired, this parameter could be set as follows: scoring_function_parameters = list( percentile = 0.50 ). Most of the built-in scoring functions have sensible defaults for the scoring function parameters so it is not necessary to specify them explicitly in the call to TSDT. But this parameter could be very useful for user-defined custom scoring functions. (optional) |
inbag_score_margin |
Required margin above overall mean for a subgroup to be considered superior. If a subgroup mean must be 10% larger than the overall subgroup mean to be superior then inbag_score_margin = 0.10. If desirable_response = "decreasing" then inbag_score_margin should be negative or zero. |
oob_score_margin |
Similar to inbag_score_margin but for classifying out-of-bag subgroups as superior. |
eps |
Tolerance value for floating-point precision. The default is 1E-5. (optional) |
min_subgroup_n_control |
Minimum number of Control arm observations in an in-bag subgroup. A value greater than or equal to one will be interpreted as the required minimum number of observations. A value between zero and one will be interpreted as a proportion of the in-bag Control observations. For a bootstrapped in-bag sample the default for this parameter is 10 of Control observations in the overall sample. For an in-bag sample obtained via subsampling the default value is the inbag_proportion times 10 number of Control observations in the overall sample. |
min_subgroup_n_trt |
Minimum number of Experimental arm observations in an in-bag subgroup. A value greater than or equal to one will be interpreted as the required minimum number of observations. A value between zero and one will be interpreted as a proportion of the in-bag Experimental observations. For a bootstrapped in-bag sample the default for this parameter is 10 number of Experimental observations in the overall sample. For an in-bag sample obtained via subsampling the default value is the inbag_proportion times 10% of the number of Experimental observations in the overall sample. |
min_subgroup_n_oob_control |
Minimum number of Control arm observations in an out-of-bag subgroup. A value greater than or equal to one will be interpreted as the required minimum number of observations. A value between zero and one will be interpreted as a proportion of the out-of-bag Control observations. For a bootstrapped out-of-bag sample the default for this parameter is exp(-1)*10% of the number of Control observations in the overall sample. For an out-of-bag sample obtained via subsampling the default value is the inbag_proportion times (1-inbag_proportion)*10 Control observations in the overall sample. |
min_subgroup_n_oob_trt |
Minimum number of Experimental arm observations in an out-of-bag subgroup. A value greater than or equal to one will be interpreted as the required minimum number of observations. A value between zero and one will be interpreted as a proportion of the out-of-bag Experimental observations. For a bootstrapped out-of-bag sample the default for this parameter is exp(-1)*10% of the number of Experimental observations in the overall sample. For an out-of-bag sample obtained via subsampling the default value is the inbag_proportion times (1-inbag_proportion)*10% of the number of Experimental observations in the overall sample. |
maxdepth |
Maximum depth of trees. |
rootcompete |
Number of competitor splits to retain for root node split. |
competedepth |
Depth of competitor split trees (defaults to 1) |
strength_cutpoints |
Cutpoints for permuted p-values to classify a subgroup as Strong, Moderate, Weak, or Not Confirmed. The default cutpoints are 0.10, 0.20, and 0.30 for Strong, Moderate, and Weak subgroups, respectively. (optional) |
n_permutations |
Number of permutations to compute for adjusted p-value. Defaults to zero (no p-value computation). If p-values are desired, it is recommended to use at least 500 permutations. |
n_cpu |
Number of CPUs to use. Defaults to 1. |
trace |
Report number of permutations computed as algorithm proceeds. |
The Treatment-Specific Subgroup Detection Tool (TSDT) creates several bootstrapped samples from the input data. For each of these bootstrapped samples the in-bag and out-of-bag data are retained. A tree is grown on the in-bag data of each bootstrapped sample using the response variable and supplied covariates. Each split in the tree defines a subgroup. The overall mean response for the in-bag data is computed as well as the mean response within each subgroup. Additionally, a scoring function is provided. Example scoring functions might be mean response, difference in mean response between treatment arms (i.e. treatment effect), or a quantile of the response (e.g. median), or a difference in quantiles across treatment arms. Sensible defaults are provided given the data type of the response and treatment variables. The user can also specify a custom scoring function. The value of the scoring function is computed for the overall in-bag data and each subgroup. Subgroups with mean response larger than the overall in-bag mean response and a mean scoring function value larger than the overall in-bag scoring function value are identified as superior subgroups. This definition of a superior subgroup assumes a larger value of the response variable is desirable. If a smaller value of the response is desirable then subgroups with mean response and mean scoring function smaller than the overall in-bag mean are superior. The same computation of overall and subgroup mean response and mean scoring function are done for the out-of-bag data. This is repeated for all bootstrapped samples. Measures of internal and external consistency are then computed. Internal consistency is computed for each subgroup that is identified as superior in one of the in-bag samples. Internal consistency for each of these subgroups is the fraction of bootstrapped samples where that subgroup is identified as superior in the in-bag data. External consistency is also defined only for subgroups that are identified as superior in at least one of the in-bag samples. For each of these subgroups, external consistency is the number of bootstrapped samples where the subgroup is defined as superior in the in-bag and out-of-bag data divided by the number of bootstrapped samples where the subgroup is identified as superior in the in-bag data. The internal and external consistency results are returned for each subgroup that identified as superior in the in-bag data of at least one bootstrapped sample. A score for the overall strength of each subgroup is computed as the product of the internal and external consistency. Optionally, a permutation-adjusted p-value for the strength of each subgroup can be computed. Based on this p-value subgroups are classified as strong, moderate, weak, or not confirmed. A suggested cutoff for each subgroup is also provided. This is helpful because two subgroups defined on the same continuous splitting variable but with different cutpoints are considered equivalent. That is, one subgroup X1<0.6 and another X1<0.7 would be considered equivalent and listed in the results as X1<xxxxx. (Note that X1<0.6 and X1>=0.7 would be considered distinct subgroups and listed in the output as X1<xxxxx and X1>=xxxxx, respectively.) So if a subgroup listed in the output as X1<xxxxx could actually represent many different numeric values for xxxxx it is helpful to provide a final suggestion for the cutpoint. The algorithm retains all the numeric values and uses the median as the suggested cutoff. The user can also request the vector of numeric cutpoints and use any function of their choosing to compute a suggested cutoff.
An object of class TSDT
Brian Denton denton_brian_david@lilly.com, Chakib Battioui battioui_chakib@lilly.com, Lei Shen shen_lei@lilly.com
Battioui, C., Shen, L., Ruberg, S., (2014). A Resampling-based Ensemble Tree Method to Identify Patient Subgroups with Enhanced Treatment Effect. JSM proceedings, 2014
Shen, L., Battioui, C., Ding, Y., (2013). Chapter "A Framework of Statistical methods for Identification of Subgroups with Differential Treatment Effects in Randomized Trials" in the book "Applied Statistics in Biomedicine and Clinical Trials Design"
See Also
mean_response, quantile_response, diff_quantile_response, treatment_effect, survival_time_quantile, diff_survival_time_quantile, mean_deviance_residuals, diff_mean_deviance_residuals, diff_restricted_mean_survival_time, TSDT, rpart, ctree, mob
## Create example data for constructing TSDT object
N <- 200
continuous_response = runif( min = 0, max = 20, n = N )
trt <- sample( c('Control','Experimental'), size = N, prob = c(0.4,0.6), replace = TRUE )
X1 <- runif( N, min = 0, max = 1 )
X2 <- runif( N, min = 0, max = 1 )
X3 <- sample( c(0,1), size = N, prob = c(0.2,0.8), replace = TRUE )
X4 <- sample( c('A','B','C'), size = N, prob = c(0.6,0.3,0.1), replace = TRUE )
covariates <- data.frame( X1 )
covariates$X2 <- X2
covariates$X3 <- factor( X3 )
covariates$X4 <- factor( X4 )
## In the following examples n_samples and n_permutations are set to small
## values so the examples complete quickly. The intent here is to provide
## a small functional example to demonstrate the structure of the output. In
## a real-world use of TSDT these values should be at least 100 and 500,
## respectively.
## Single-arm TSDT
ex1 <- TSDT( response = continuous_response,
covariates = covariates[,1:4],
inbag_score_margin = 0,
desirable_response = "increasing",
n_samples = 5, ## use value >= 100 in real world application
n_permutations = 5, ## use value >= 500 in real world application
rootcompete = 1,
maxdepth = 2 )
## Two-arm TSDT
ex2 <- TSDT( response = continuous_response,
trt = trt, trt_control = 'Control',
covariates = covariates[,1:4],
inbag_score_margin = 0,
desirable_response = "increasing",
oob_score_margin = 0,
min_subgroup_n_control = 10,
min_subgroup_n_trt = 20,
maxdepth = 2,
rootcompete = 1,
n_samples = 5, ## use value >= 100 in real world application
n_permutations = 5 ) ## use value >= 500 in real world application