TRADER-package |
Tree Ring Analysis of Disturbance Events in R |
absIncrease |
Help functions. |
absoluteIncrease |
Analysis by Fraver & White 2005 called "absolute increase" |
absoluteIncreaseALL |
Overal function for Fraver & White 2005 method called "absolute increase" |
absTreshold |
Compute absolute threshold |
boundaryFit |
Fit multiple boundary lines. |
boundaryGet |
Get values for fitting boundary line. |
boundaryLineALL |
Overal function for Black and Abrams 2003 method or "pure boundary line". |
doAll |
Do all implemented analyses, write tables and figures. |
FraverWhite |
Analysis by Fraver & White 2005 called "absolute increase" |
growthAveragingALL |
Overal function for Nowacki and Abrams 1997 method. |
help |
Help functions. |
knownBL |
Release data |
noblabrams |
Nowacki and Abrams 1997, Black and Abrams 2003 or "pure boundary line". |
Help functions. |
PGCreleases |
Help functions. |
PGCreleasesSplechtna |
Help functions. |
plotBoundary |
Plot boundary line. |
plotFirstYears |
Plot first years of trees. |
plotGrowth |
Plot growth of all trees. |
plotNORelease |
Plot number of releases. |
plotRelease |
Plot releases according the given method. |
priorGrowth |
Help functions. |
reduceByLB |
Reduce releases by length and buffer. |
relData |
Release data |
relData1 |
Release data |
relData2 |
Release data |
relListToDataFrame |
Help functions. |
relMissPith |
Release data |
removeMajorFromModerate |
Help functions. |
splechtna |
Splechtna et al. 2005 type of releases analysis. |
splechtnaALL |
Overal function for Splechtna et al. 2005 type of releases analysis. |
Tree Ring Analysis of Disturbance Events in R |
writeReleaseStats |
Help functions. |