KFprocess {TPMplt}R Documentation

Enhanced Kalman filter to reduce the noise of raw data


Kalman filter reducing the noise in raw data if it is necessary.


KFprocess(x, manual = NULL, ...)



A data frame with VBTree style. Pay attention, all factors in column names should be separated by "-" symbol, and factors for temperatures and strain rates should be saved in pure numeric style.


An integer vector with the length of 3 where the 1st element denotes the layer for Stress and Strain, the 2nd and 3rd elements represent the levels for Strain and Stress, respectively. The default setting is NULL, which can call the function lyIDdetector for automatic completion.


The arguments dV and dW passed on to dlmModPoly in the function dlmSmooth.


A data frame with the identical shape as input data, but with the smoothed stress values.

See Also

VBTree, dlmModPoly, dlmSmooth


# raw data without smoothing:
SSplots(TPMdata, 2, mfrow=c(2, 2))

# Smoothing to reduce the noise:
KFdt <-KFprocess(TPMdata, dV = 0.3, dW = 0.006)
SSplots(KFdt, 2, mfrow=c(2, 2))

[Package TPMplt version 0.1.4 Index]