Two One-Sided Tests (TOST) Equivalence Testing

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Documentation for package ‘TOSTER’ version 0.8.2

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as_htest Convert to class 'htest'
boot_compare_cor Comparing Correlations between independent studies with bootstrapping
boot_compare_smd Comparing SMDs between ndependent studies with bootstrapping
boot_cor_test Bootstrapped correlation coefficients
boot_log_TOST Bootstrapped TOST with log transformed t-tests
boot_log_TOST.default Bootstrapped TOST with log transformed t-tests
boot_log_TOST.formula Bootstrapped TOST with log transformed t-tests
boot_ses_calc Bootstrap SES Calculation
boot_ses_calc.default Bootstrap SES Calculation
boot_ses_calc.formula Bootstrap SES Calculation
boot_smd_calc Bootstrapped SMD Calculation
boot_smd_calc.default Bootstrapped SMD Calculation
boot_smd_calc.formula Bootstrapped SMD Calculation
boot_t_test Bootstrapped t-test
boot_t_test.default Bootstrapped t-test
boot_t_test.formula Bootstrapped t-test
boot_t_TOST Bootstrapped TOST with t-tests
boot_t_TOST.default Bootstrapped TOST with t-tests
boot_t_TOST.formula Bootstrapped TOST with t-tests
brunner_munzel Brunner-Munzel Test
brunner_munzel.default Brunner-Munzel Test
brunner_munzel.formula Brunner-Munzel Test
compare_cor Comparing two independent correlation coefficients
compare_smd Comparing SMDs between independent studies
corsum_test Association/Correlation Test from Summary Statistics
dataTOSTone TOST One Sample T-Test
dataTOSTpaired TOST Paired Samples T-Test
dataTOSTr TOST Correlation
dataTOSTtwo TOST Independent Samples T-Test
datatosttwoprop TOST Two Proportions
describe Methods for TOSTt objects
describe.TOSTnp Methods for TOSTnp objects
describe.TOSTt Methods for TOSTt objects
describe_htest Helpers for 'htest' objects
df_htest Helpers for 'htest' objects
equ_anova Equivalence Test for ANOVA Results
equ_ftest Equivalence Test using an F-test
extract_r_paired Extract Paired Correlation
hawthorne Data
htest-helpers Helpers for 'htest' objects
log_TOST TOST with log transformed t-tests
log_TOST.default TOST with log transformed t-tests
log_TOST.formula TOST with log transformed t-tests
np_ses Non-parametric standardized effect sizes (replicates of ses_calc)
plot.TOSTt Methods for TOSTt objects
plot_cor Plot correlation coefficients
plot_pes Plot partial eta-squared
plot_smd Plot Distribution of a SMD
powerTOSTone Power One Sample t-test
powerTOSTone.raw Power One Sample t-test
powerTOSTpaired Power Paired Sample t-test
powerTOSTpaired.raw Power Paired Sample t-test
powerTOSTr Power Calculations for Correlations
powerTOSTtwo Power Two Sample t-test
powerTOSTtwo.prop TOST Power for Tests of Two Proportions
powerTOSTtwo.raw Power Two Sample t-test
power_eq_f F-test Power
power_twoprop TOST Power for Tests of Two Proportions
power_t_TOST Power calculations for TOST for t-tests
power_z_cor Power Calculations for Correlations
print.TOSTnp Methods for TOSTnp objects
print.TOSTt Methods for TOSTt objects
rbs Non-parametric standardized effect sizes (replicates of ses_calc)
ses_calc SES Calculation
ses_calc.default SES Calculation
ses_calc.formula SES Calculation
simple_htest One, two, and paired samples hypothesis tests
simple_htest.default One, two, and paired samples hypothesis tests
simple_htest.formula One, two, and paired samples hypothesis tests
smd_calc SMD Calculation
smd_calc.default SMD Calculation
smd_calc.formula SMD Calculation
TOSTmeta TOST function for meta-analysis
TOSTnp-methods Methods for TOSTnp objects
TOSTone TOST function for a one-sample t-test (Cohen's d)
TOSTone.raw TOST function for a one-sample t-test (Cohen's d)
TOSTpaired TOST function for a dependent t-test (Cohen's dz)
TOSTpaired.raw TOST function for a dependent t-test (Cohen's dz)
TOSTr TOST function for a correlations
TOSTt-methods Methods for TOSTt objects
TOSTtwo TOST function for an independent t-test (Cohen's d)
TOSTtwo.prop TOST function for two proportions (raw scores)
TOSTtwo.raw TOST function for an independent t-test (Cohen's d)
tsum_TOST TOST with t-tests from Summary Statistics
twoprop_test Test of Proportions between 2 Independent Groups
t_TOST TOST with t-tests
t_TOST.default TOST with t-tests
t_TOST.formula TOST with t-tests
wilcox_TOST TOST with Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney tests
wilcox_TOST.default TOST with Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney tests
wilcox_TOST.formula TOST with Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney tests
z_cor_test Test for Association/Correlation Between Paired Samples