Total Operating Characteristic Curve and ROC Curve

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Documentation for package ‘TOC’ version 0.0-6

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TOC-package Total Operating Characteristic (TOC) Curve and ROC Curve
plot Plot an object of class Toc or Roc
plot-method Plot an object of class Toc or Roc
ROC Construct the table for the ROC curve
Roc-class Toc and Roc classes
ROC-method Construct the table for the ROC curve
roctable Construct a basic ROC table
scaling scale the output TOC values and change units
scaling-method scale the output TOC values and change units
TOC Construct the table for the TOC curve
Toc-class Toc and Roc classes
TOC-method Construct the table for the TOC curve
uncertainty Uncertainty in AUC calculation