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Documentation for package ‘TMDb’ version 1.1

Help Pages

certification_movie_list Get the list of supported certifications for movies.
certification_tv_list Get the list of supported certifications for TV shows.
changes_movie Get a list of movie ids that have been edited.
changes_person Get a list of people ids that have been edited.
changes_tv Get a list of TV show ids that have been edited.
collection Retrieve informations of a collection.
collection_images Retrieve images of a collection.
company Retrieve informations of a company.
company_movies Retrieve movies of a company.
configuration Get the system wide configuration information.
credit Retrieve credits.
discover_movie Retrieve the TMDb movies list.
discover_tv Retrieve the TMDb TV shows list.
find_tmdb Retrieve objects in TMDb database by an external id.
genres_movies Get the list of movies for a particular genre by id.
genres_movie_list Retrieve the available genres for movies.
genres_tv_list Retrieve the available genres for TV shows.
jobs Get a list of valid jobs.
keyword Get the basic information for a specific keyword id.
keyword_movies Retrieve movies for keyword.
list_get Get a list by id.
list_item_status Verify the presence of a movie in a list.
movie Retrieve movie informations.
movie_alternative_title Retrieve alternative titles for movies.
movie_changes Retrieve movie changes.
movie_credits Retrieve credits for a movie.
movie_images Retrieve movie images.
movie_keywords Retrieve the keywords associated with a movie.
movie_latest Retrieve the latest movie inserted in TMDb.
movie_lists Retrieve the lists that the movie belongs to.
movie_now_playing Retrieve movies in theatres in the current week.
movie_popular Retrieve the popular movies.
movie_releases Retrieve the release informations for a movie.
movie_reviews Retrieve movie reviews.
movie_similar Retrieve similar movies.
movie_top_rated Retrieve top rated movies.
movie_translations Retrieve the available translations for a movie.
movie_upcoming Retrieve upcoming movies.
movie_videos Retrieve movie videos.
network Get the name of a TV network by ID.
person_changes Retrieve the changes for a person.
person_combined_credits Retrieve credits for a person.
person_external_ids Retrieve external ids for a person.
person_images Retrieve person images.
person_latest Retrieve new entry people on TMDb.
person_movie_credits Retrieve person movie credits.
person_popular Retrieve the popular people.
person_tagged_images Retrieve images related to a person.
person_tmdb Retrieve person information.
person_tv_credits Retrieve person TV credits.
review Retrieve basic informations about a review.
search_collection Search for lists by name and description.
search_company Search for companies by name.
search_keyword Search for keywords by name.
search_list Search for lists by name and description.
search_movie Search for movies by title.
search_multi Search the movie, TV show and person collections with a single query.
search_person Search for people by name.
search_tv Search for TV shows by title.
timezone Retrieve the supported timezones.
tv Retrieve TV informations.
tv_airing_today Retrieve TV shows on air.
tv_alternative_title Retrieve alternative titles for TV series.
tv_changes Retrieve TV series changes.
tv_content_ratings Retrieve rating for a TV series.
tv_credits Retrieve credits for a TV series.
tv_episode Retrieve basic informations about a TV episode.
tv_episode_changes Retrieve the changes for an episode TV show.
tv_episode_credits Retrieve TV episode credits.
tv_episode_external_ids Retrieve external ids for a TV episode.
tv_episode_images Retrieve TV episode images.
tv_episode_videos Retrieve TV show videos related.
tv_external_ids Retrieve external ids for a TV series.
tv_images Retrieve TV series images.
tv_keywords Retrieve the keywords associated with a TV show.
tv_latest Retrieve the latest TV show inserted in TMDb.
tv_on_the_air Get the list of TV shows that are currently on the air.
tv_popular Retrieve the popular TV series.
tv_season Retrieve basic informations about a TV season.
tv_season_changes Retrieve the changes for a season TV show.
tv_season_credits Retrieve TV season credits.
tv_season_external_ids Retrieve external ids for a TV season.
tv_season_images Retrieve TV season images.
tv_season_videos Retrieve TV show videos related.
tv_similar Retrieve similar TV show.
tv_top_rated Retrieve top rated TV series.
tv_translations Retrieve the available translations for a TV series.
tv_videos Retrieve TV series videos.