preProcess {TIMP} | R Documentation |
Performs preprocessing on data stored as an objects of class dat.
Performs data sampling, selection, baseline correction,
scaling, and data correction on an object of class dat
preProcess(data, sample = 1, sample_time = 1, sample_lambda = 1,
sel_time = vector(), sel_lambda = vector(), baselinetime = vector(),
baselinelambda = vector(), scalx = NULL, scalx2 = NULL,
sel_lambda_ab = vector(), sel_time_ab = vector(), rm_x2=vector(),
rm_x = vector(), svdResid = list(), numV = 0, sel_special = list(),
doubleDiff = FALSE, doubleDiffFile = "doubleDiff.txt")
data |
Object of class |
sample |
integer describing sampling interval to take in both time and
sample_time |
integer describing sampling interval in time; e.g.,
sample_lambda |
integer describing sampling interval in |
sel_time |
vector of length 2 describing the first and last time
index of data to select; e.g., |
sel_lambda |
vector of length 2 describing the first and last |
baselinetime |
a vector of form |
baselinelambda |
a vector of form |
scalx |
numeric by which to linearly scale the |
scalx2 |
vector of length 2 by which to linearly scale the
sel_lambda_ab |
vector of length 2 describing the absolute values
(e.g., wavelengths, wavenumbers, etc.) between which data should be
selected. e.g., |
sel_time_ab |
vector of length 2 describing the absolute times
between which data should be
selected. e.g., |
rm_x2 |
vector of |
rm_x |
vector of |
svdResid |
list returned from the |
numV |
numeric specifying how many singular vectors to use in data correction. Maximum is five. |
sel_special |
list of lists specifying |
doubleDiff |
logical indicating whether the data should be converted to represent differences between times. |
doubleDiffFile |
character string indicating the file name of
time difference data to create in the case that |
object of class dat
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
See Also
# select certain wavelengths for modeling
C1_1 <- preProcess(data = C1, baselinelambda = c(1,12,1,32) )
C1_1 <- preProcess(data = C1_1, sel_lambda = c(8, 27))
C1_1 <- preProcess(data = C1_1, rm_x = c(40, 41, 101, 116))
C1_1 <- preProcess(data = C1_1, sel_time_ab = c(-10, 100000))
C2_1 <- preProcess(data = C2, sel_lambda = c(2, 32))
C2_1 <- preProcess(data = C2_1, baselinelambda = c(1,12,1,32) )
C2_1 <- preProcess(data = C2_1, sel_time_ab = c(-10, 100000))
C3_1 <- preProcess(data = C3, sel_lambda = c(1, 25))
C3_1 <- preProcess(data = C3_1, baselinelambda = c(1,12,1,32) )
## SPECIFY K Matrix and J vector
## initialize 2 7x7 arrays to 0
delK <- array(0, dim=c(7,7,2))
## the matrix is indexed:
## delK[ ROW K MATRIX, COL K MATRIX, matrix number]
## in the first matrix, put the index of compartments
## that are non-zero
## the transfer rate of the compartment is governed by
## kinpar[index]
delK[1,1,1] <- 4
delK[5,1,1] <- 1
delK[2,2,1] <- 4
delK[5,2,1] <- 2
delK[3,3,1] <- 4
delK[5,3,1] <- 3
delK[4,4,1] <- 4
delK[6,5,1] <- 5
delK[7,6,1] <- 6
delK[7,7,1] <- 7
## print out the resulting array to make sure it's right
jvector <- c(.48443195136500550341, .28740782363398824522,
.13749071230100625137, 0.9066953510E-01, 0, 0, 0)
datalist <- list(C1, C2, C3)
## for plotting selected traces, get a vector of all the wavenumbers
allx2 <- vector()
for(i in 1:length(datalist))
allx2 <- append(allx2,datalist[[i]]@x2)
allx2 <- sort(unique(allx2))
## note that low is the larger wavenumber in the clpequ spec!
model1 <- initModel(mod_type = "kin",
kinpar=c( 0.13698630, 0.3448275849E-01, 0.1020408142E-01, 0.2941176528E-02,
0.17000, 0.015, 0.1074082902E-03),
fixed = list(prel = 1:6, clpequ=1:3, kinpar=1:7, irfpar=1, parmu=1),
irfpar=c(0.4211619198, 0.6299000233E-01),
prelspec = list(
list(what1="kinpar", ind1=1, what2 = "kinpar", ind2=4,
list(what1="kinpar", ind1=2, what2 = "kinpar", ind2=4,
list(what1="kinpar", ind1=3, what2 = "kinpar", ind2=4,
parmu = list(c(-0.1411073953)),
lambdac = 1290,
kmat = delK,
jvec = jvector,
weightpar=list( c(-20,1.4,1,2000,.2)),
clpequspec =list(
list(to=2, from=1, low=100, high=10000),
list(to=3, from=1, low=100, high=10000),
list(to=4, from=1, low=100, high=10000)),
clpequ = c(1,1,1),
cohspec = list( type = "irf"))
## same format as call to fitModel, but does not plot
serResid <- getResid(list(C1_1, C2_1, C3_1), list(model1),
modeldiffs = list(thresh = 0.00005,
dscal = list(list(to=2,from=1,value=4),
free = list(
list(what="irfpar", ind=1, start= c(0.1231127158), dataset=2),
list(what="parmu", ind=c(1,1), start= c(0.1219962388), dataset=2),
list(what="irfpar", ind=1, start= c(0.3724052608), dataset=3),
list(what="parmu", ind=c(1,1), start= c(0.8844097704E-01), dataset=3)),
change = list(
list(what="fixed", spec=list(clpequ=1:3, kinpar=1:7, irfpar=1:2,
parmu=1, drel = 1, prel=1:6), dataset=2:3))),
opt=kinopt(iter=0, title="Cosimo Spectra, Not Normalized, with Error",
stderrclp=TRUE, kinspecerr=TRUE, writespec = TRUE,
plotkinspec = TRUE,plotcohcolspec=FALSE,
selectedtraces = seq(1, length(allx2), by=2),
specinterpol = TRUE, specinterpolpoints=FALSE,
divdrel=TRUE, xlab="wavenumber",writeclperr = TRUE,
makeps = "err", linrange = 1, superimpose=1:3))
C1_3 <- preProcess(data = C1_1, svdResid = serResid[[1]], numV = 2)
C2_3 <- preProcess(data = C2_1, svdResid = serResid[[2]], numV = 2)
C3_3 <- preProcess(data = C3_1, svdResid = serResid[[3]], numV = 2)
serRes<-fitModel(list(C1_3, C2_3, C3_3), list(model1),
modeldiffs = list(thresh = 0.00005,
dscal = list(list(to=2,from=1,value=4),
free = list(
list(what="irfpar", ind=1, start= c(0.1231127158), dataset=2),
list(what="parmu", ind=c(1,1), start= c(0.1219962388), dataset=2),
list(what="irfpar", ind=1, start= c(0.3724052608), dataset=3),
list(what="parmu", ind=c(1,1), start= c(0.8844097704E-01), dataset=3)),
change = list(
list(what="fixed", spec=list(clpequ=1:3, kinpar=1:7, irfpar=1:2,
parmu=1, drel = 1, prel=1:6), dataset=2:3))),
opt=kinopt(iter=0, title="Cosimo Spectra, Not Normalized, with Error",
stderrclp=TRUE, kinspecerr=TRUE, writespec = TRUE,
plotkinspec = TRUE,plotcohcolspec=FALSE, writerawcon = TRUE,
selectedtraces = seq(1, length(allx2), by=2),
specinterpol = TRUE, specinterpolpoints=FALSE,
divdrel=TRUE, xlab="wavenumber",writeclperr = TRUE,
makeps = "h20", linrange = 1, superimpose=1:3))
# end donttest
# This removes the files that were generated in this example
# (do not run this code if you wish to inspect the output)
file_list_cleanup = c('h20_paramEst.txt', 'h20_rawconcen_dataset_1.txt',
'h20_rawconcen_dataset_2.txt', 'h20_rawconcen_dataset_3.txt',
'h20_spec_dataset_1.txt', 'h20_spec_dataset_2.txt',
'h20_spec_dataset_3.txt', 'h20_std_err_clp_1.txt',
'h20_std_err_clp_2.txt', 'h20_std_err_clp_3.txt',
'err_paramEst.txt', 'err_spec_dataset_1.txt', 'err_spec_dataset_2.txt',
'err_spec_dataset_3.txt', 'err_std_err_clp_1.txt',
'err_std_err_clp_2.txt', 'err_std_err_clp_3.txt',
Sys.glob("*paramEst.txt"), Sys.glob("*.ps"), Sys.glob("Rplots*.pdf"))
# Iterate over the files and delete them if they exist
for (f in file_list_cleanup) {
if (file.exists(f)) {