dtm {TDA}R Documentation

Distance to Measure Function


The function dtm computes the "distance to measure function" on a set of points Grid, using the uniform empirical measure on a set of points X. Given a probability measure P, The distance to measure function, for each y \in R^d, is defined by

d_{m0}(y) = \left(\frac{1}{m0}\int_0^{m0} ( G_y^{-1}(u))^{r} du\right)^{1/r},

where G_y(t) = P( \Vert X-y \Vert \le t), and m0 \in (0,1) and r \in [1,\infty) are tuning parameters. As m0 increases, DTM function becomes smoother, so m0 can be understood as a smoothing parameter. r affects less but also changes DTM function as well. The DTM can be seen as a smoothed version of the distance function. See Details and References.

Given X=\{x_1, \dots, x_n\}, the empirical version of the distance to measure is

\hat d_{m0}(y) = \left(\frac{1}{k} \sum_{x_i \in N_k(y)} \Vert x_i-y \Vert^{r}\right)^{1/r},

where k= \lceil m0 * n \rceil and N_k(y) is the set containing the k nearest neighbors of y among x_1, \ldots, x_n.


dtm(X, Grid, m0, r = 2, weight = 1)



an n by d matrix of coordinates of points used to construct the uniform empirical measure for the distance to measure, where n is the number of points and d is the dimension.


an m by d matrix of coordinates of points where the distance to measure is computed, where m is the number of points in Grid and d is the dimension.


a numeric variable for the smoothing parameter of the distance to measure. Roughly, m0 is the the percentage of points of X that are considered when the distance to measure is computed for each point of Grid. The value of m0 should be in (0,1).


a numeric variable for the tuning parameter of the distance to measure. The value of r should be in [1,\infty), and the default value is 2.


either a number, or a vector of length n. If it is a number, then same weight is applied to each points of X. If it is a vector, weight represents weights of each points of X. The default value is 1.


See (Chazal, Cohen-Steiner, and Merigot, 2011, Definition 3.2) and (Chazal, Massart, and Michel, 2015, Equation (2)) for a formal definition of the "distance to measure" function.


The function dtm returns a vector of length m (the number of points stored in Grid) containing the value of the distance to measure function evaluated at each point of Grid.


Jisu Kim and Fabrizio Lecci


Chazal F, Cohen-Steiner D, Merigot Q (2011). "Geometric inference for probability measures." Foundations of Computational Mathematics 11.6, 733-751.

Chazal F, Massart P, Michel B (2015). "Rates of convergence for robust geometric inference."

Chazal F, Fasy BT, Lecci F, Michel B, Rinaldo A, Wasserman L (2014). "Robust Topological Inference: Distance-To-a-Measure and Kernel Distance." Technical Report.

See Also

kde, kernelDist, distFct


## Generate Data from the unit circle
n <- 300
X <- circleUnif(n)

## Construct a grid of points over which we evaluate the function
by <- 0.065
Xseq <- seq(-1.6, 1.6, by = by)
Yseq <- seq(-1.7, 1.7, by = by)
Grid <- expand.grid(Xseq, Yseq)

## distance to measure
m0 <- 0.1
DTM <- dtm(X, Grid, m0)

[Package TDA version 1.9.1 Index]