TCHazaRdsWindTimeSereies {TCHazaRds} | R Documentation |
Compute the Wind Hazards Associated Over the Period of a TCs Event at one Given Location
Compute the Wind Hazards Associated Over the Period of a TCs Event at one Given Location
TCHazaRdsWindTimeSereies(outdate = NULL, GEO_land = NULL, TC, paramsTable)
outdate |
array of POSITx date times to linearly interpolate TC track,optional. |
GEO_land |
dataframe hazard geometry generated with land_geometry |
TC |
SpatVector of Tropical cyclone track parameters |
paramsTable |
Global parameters to compute TC Hazards. |
The function calculates wind speed and direction time series from a tropical cyclone track using various wind profile models.
list() containing a timeseries
abbreviated attribute | description | units |
date | POSIX data time object of TC or outdate if provided | as.POSIX |
P | Atmospheric pressure | hPa |
Uw | Meridional wind speed | m/s |
Vw | Zonal wind speed | m/s |
Sw | Wind speed | m/s |
R | distance to TC centre | m |
rMax | radius of maximum wind | km |
vMax | TC maximum velocity | m/s |
b | TC wind profile exponent | - |
CP | TC central Pressure | hPa |
dPdt | change in TC CP per hour | hPa/hr |
vFm | velocity of TC forward motion | m/s |
GEO_land = data.frame(dem=0,lons = 147,lats=-18,f=-4e-4,inlandD = 0)
TCi <- vect(system.file("extdata/YASI/YASI.shp", package="TCHazaRds"))
paramsTable = read.csv(system.file("extdata/tuningParams/defult_params.csv",package = "TCHazaRds"))
HAZts = TCHazaRdsWindTimeSereies(GEO_land=GEO_land,TC=TCi,paramsTable = paramsTable)
main = paste(TCi$NAME[1],TCi$SEASON[1],"at",GEO_land$lons,GEO_land$lats)
#with(HAZts,plot(date,Sw,format = "%b-%d %H",type="l",main = main,ylab = "Wind speed [m/s]"))
[Package TCHazaRds version 1.0 Index]