curve_ext_recon {SynchWave} | R Documentation |
Reconstruct Curves
This function reconstructs the curves given by curve_ext
or curve_ext_multi
This code is translated from MATLAB Synchrosqueezing Toolbox, version 1.1 developed by Eugene Brevdo (
curve_ext_recon(Tx, fs, Cs, opt=NULL, clwin=4)
Tx |
same as input to |
fs |
same as input to |
opt |
same as input to |
Cs |
same as output to |
clwin |
same as input to |
This function reconstructs the curves given by curve_ext
or curve_ext_multi
xrs |
[1] Thakur, G., Brevdo, E., Fuckar, N. S. and Wu, H-T. (2013) The Synchrosqueezing algorithm for time-varying spectral analysis: Robustness properties and new paleoclimate applications. Signal Processing, 93, 1079–1094.
See Also
, curve_ext
, curve_ext_multi
, curve_ext_recon
tt <- seq(0, 10, , 1024)
nv <- 32
f0 <- (1+0.6*cos(2*tt))*cos(4*pi*tt+1.2*tt^2)
sigma <- 0.5
f <- f0 + sigma*rnorm(length(tt))
# Continuous wavelet transform
opt <- list(type = "bump")
cwtfit <- cwt_fw(f, opt$type, nv, tt[2]-tt[1], opt)
# Hard thresholing
thresh <- est_riskshrink_thresh(cwtfit$Wx, nv)
cwtfit$Wx[which(abs(cwtfit$Wx) < thresh)] <- 0.0
# Denoised signal
opt$gamma <- thresh
fr <- cwt_iw(cwtfit$Wx, opt$type, opt)
# Synchrosqueezed wavelet transform using denoised signal
sstfit2 <- synsq_cwt_fw(tt, fr, nv, opt)
# Ridge extraction
lambda <- 1e+04
nw <- 16
imtfit <- curve_ext_multi(sstfit2$Tx, log2(sstfit2$fs), 1, lambda, nw)
# Reconstruction
curvefit <- curve_ext_recon(sstfit2$Tx, sstfit2$fs, imtfit$Cs, opt, nw)
image.plot(list(x=tt, y=sstfit2$fs, z=t(abs(sstfit2$Tx))), log="y",
xlab="Time", ylab="Frequency", main="Time-Frequency Representation by SST",
col=designer.colors(64, c("azure", "cyan", "blue", "darkblue")), ylim=c(0.5, 25))
lines(tt, sstfit2$fs[imtfit$Cs[,1]], col="red", lty=3, lwd=2)
plot(tt, f0, type="l")
lines(tt, curvefit, lty=2)