SurvEval-package {SurvEval}R Documentation

Methods for the Evaluation of Survival Models.


This implements various tools to evaluate Cox proportional hazards regression models.


Currently, this implements the methodology outlined in the following two papers. The first is Devlin, Gonen, and Heller (2020) that evaluates the discriminatory power of a baseline-derived risk score over time. This same method is used to evaluate the concordance probability estimate (CPE) up until the follow-up duration of a given study.

The second is Heller and Devlin (under review) that develops a projection-based approach to estimate the CPE from nested survival models.


Sean Devlin and Glenn Heller.

Maintainer: Sean Devlin <>


Devlin, Sean M., Mithat Gonen, and Glenn Heller. Measuring the temporal prognostic utility of a baseline risk score. Lifetime data analysis 26.4 (2020): 856-871.

Heller, Glenn, and Sean M. Devlin. Measuring the Impact of New Risk Factors Within Survival Models. Under Review.

[Package SurvEval version 1.1 Index]