TKVsurv {SurvDisc} | R Documentation |
Data Set Containing Fitted Model Estimates and Covariances
A data set containing the estimates fromthe fitted Cox proportional hazards model from a dataset of patients with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kideny Disease. See references for further details. The model has 6 parameters describing how the hazard changes for different levels of the 3 covariates. In addition, there are 3 strata correspoding to the different imaging modalities: CT, MRI, US.
A list with the following components covariates: names of covariates mean: sample mean of covariates standard deviation of covariates labels: labels for coefficients and rows and columns of covariance matrix sigma beta: estimated coefficients in the proportional hazards model sigma: estimated covariance martix for beta CT.time: time points where Survival curve changes for CT strata CT.lcumhaz: estimated log-cumulative hazard in CT strata with coefficients = 0 CT.sig17: estimated 7 elements to fill the last row (and last column) of the covariance matrix MRI.time: time points where Survival curve changes for MRI strata MRI.lcumhaz: estimated log-cumulative hazard in MRI strata with coefficients = 0 MRI.sig17: estimated 7 elements to fill the last row (and last column) of the covariance matrix US.time: time points where Survival curve changes for US strata US.lcumhaz: estimated log-cumulative hazard in US strata with coefficients = 0 US.sig17: estimated 7 elements to fill the last row (and last column) of the covariance matrix
John Lawrence, Jianjin Xu, Jim Hung, Sue Jane Wang