plot Information-Theoretic {Surrogate}R Documentation

Provides plots of trial- and individual-level surrogacy in the Information-Theoretic framework


Produces plots that provide a graphical representation of trial- and/or individual-level surrogacy (R2_ht and R2_h) based on the Information-Theoretic approach of Alonso & Molenberghs (2007).


## S3 method for class 'FixedContContIT'
plot(x, Trial.Level=TRUE, Weighted=TRUE, Indiv.Level=TRUE,
Xlab.Indiv, Ylab.Indiv, Xlab.Trial, Ylab.Trial, Main.Trial, Main.Indiv,
Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), ...)

## S3 method for class 'MixedContContIT'
plot(x, Trial.Level=TRUE, Weighted=TRUE, Indiv.Level=TRUE,
Xlab.Indiv, Ylab.Indiv, Xlab.Trial, Ylab.Trial, Main.Trial, Main.Indiv,
Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), ...)



An object of class MixedContContIT or FixedContContIT.


Logical. If Trial.Level=TRUE, a plot of the trial-specific treatment effects on the true endpoint against the trial-specific treatment effect on the surrogate endpoints is provided (as a graphical representation of RhtR_{ht}). Default TRUE.


Logical. This argument only has effect when the user requests a trial-level surrogacy plot (i.e., when Trial.Level=TRUE in the function call). If Weighted=TRUE, the circles that depict the trial-specific treatment effects on the true endpoint against the surrogate endpoint are proportional to the number of patients in the trial. If Weighted=FALSE, all circles have the same size. Default TRUE.


Logical. If Indiv.Level=TRUE, a plot of the trial- and treatment-corrected residuals of the true and surrogate endpoints is provided. This plot provides a graphical representation of RhR_{h}. Default TRUE.


The legend of the X-axis of the plot that depicts individual-level surrogacy. Default "Residuals for the surrogate endpoint (εSij\varepsilon_{Sij})".


The legend of the Y-axis of the plot that depicts individual-level surrogacy. Default "Residuals for the true endpoint (εTij\varepsilon_{Tij})".


The legend of the X-axis of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Treatment effect on the surrogate endpoint (αi\alpha_{i})".


The legend of the Y-axis of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Treatment effect on the true endpoint (βi\beta_{i})".


The title of the plot that depicts individual-level surrogacy. Default "Individual-level surrogacy".


The title of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Trial-level surrogacy".


Graphical parameters for the plot. Default par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)).


Extra graphical parameters to be passed to plot().


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A, & Molenberghs, G. (2007). Surrogate marker evaluation from an information theory perspective. Biometrics, 63, 180-186.

See Also

MixedContContIT, FixedContContIT


## Not run: 
## Load ARMD dataset

## Conduct a surrogacy analysis, using a weighted reduced univariate fixed effect model:
Sur <- MixedContContIT(Dataset=ARMD, Surr=Diff24, True=Diff52, Treat=Treat, Trial.ID=Center,
Pat.ID=Id, Model=c("Full"))

## Request both trial- and individual-level surrogacy plots. In the trial-level plot,
## make the size of the circles proportional to the number of patients in a trial:
plot(Sur, Trial.Level=TRUE, Weighted=TRUE, Indiv.Level=TRUE)

## Make a trial-level surrogacy plot using filled blue circles that
## are transparent (to make sure that the results of overlapping trials remain
## visible), and modify the title and the axes labels of the plot:
plot(Sur, pch=16, col=rgb(.3, .2, 1, 0.3), Indiv.Level=FALSE, Trial.Level=TRUE,
Weighted=TRUE, Main.Trial=c("Trial-level surrogacy (ARMD dataset)"),
Xlab.Trial=c("Difference in vision after 6 months (Surrogate)"),
Ylab.Trial=c("Difference in vision after 12 months (True enpoint)"))

## Add the estimated R2_ht value in the previous plot at position (X=-2.2, Y=0)
## (the previous plot should not have been closed):
R2ht <- format(round(as.numeric(Sur$R2ht[1]), 3))
text(x=-2.2, y=0, cex=1.4, labels=(bquote(paste("R"[ht]^{2}, "="~.(R2ht)))))

## Make an Individual-level surrogacy plot with red squares to depict individuals
## (rather than black circles):
plot(Sur, pch=15, col="red", Indiv.Level=TRUE, Trial.Level=FALSE)

## End(Not run)

[Package Surrogate version 3.3.0 Index]