Superfast Likelihood Inference for Stationary Gaussian Time Series

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Documentation for package ‘SuperGauss’ version 2.0.3

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SuperGauss-package Superfast inference for stationary Gaussian time series.
%*% Constructor and methods for Toeplitz matrix objects.
acf2incr Convert position autocorrelations to increment autocorrelations.
acf2msd Convert autocorrelation of stationary increments to mean squared displacement of posititions.
as.Toeplitz Constructor and methods for Toeplitz matrix objects.
Cholesky Cholesky multiplication with Toeplitz variance matrices.
cholXZ Cholesky multiplication with Toeplitz variance matrices.
cholZX Cholesky multiplication with Toeplitz variance matrices.
Circulant Constructor and methods for Circulant matrix objects.
determinant Constructor and methods for Toeplitz matrix objects.
determinant-method Constructor and methods for Toeplitz matrix objects.
dim.Toeplitz Constructor and methods for Toeplitz matrix objects.
dnormtz Density of a multivariate normal with Toeplitz variance matrix.
dSnorm Defunct functions in 'SuperGauss'.
fbm_msd Mean square displacement of fractional Brownian motion.
is.Toeplitz Constructor and methods for Toeplitz matrix objects.
matern_acf Matern autocorrelation function.
msd2acf Convert mean square displacement of positions to autocorrelation of increments.
ncol-method Constructor and methods for Toeplitz matrix objects.
NormalCirculant Multivariate normal with Circulant variance matrix.
NormalToeplitz Multivariate normal with Toeplitz variance matrix.
nrow-method Constructor and methods for Toeplitz matrix objects.
pex_acf Power-exponential autocorrelation function.
rnormtz Simulate a stationary Gaussian time series.
rSnorm Defunct functions in 'SuperGauss'.
Snorm.grad Defunct functions in 'SuperGauss'.
Snorm.hess Defunct functions in 'SuperGauss'.
solve Constructor and methods for Toeplitz matrix objects.
solve-method Constructor and methods for Toeplitz matrix objects.
SuperGauss Superfast inference for stationary Gaussian time series.
SuperGauss-defunct Defunct functions in 'SuperGauss'.
toep.mult Toeplitz matrix multiplication.
Toeplitz Constructor and methods for Toeplitz matrix objects.