Subgroup Specific Optimal Dose Assignment

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Documentation for package ‘SubTite’ version 4.0.5

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GetESS Determines Prior ESS for fixed values of sigma_alpha^2 and sigmabeta^2
GetParams Obtains true simulation parameters for each supported distribution function to correspond to a probability of the truth by time T1.
GetPriorMeans Calibrates prior means for Dose Finding Trial
GetSubTite Gives the subgroup specific optimal dose vector.
MCMC Performs MCMC and returns needed values for dose-finding in a list.
MCMCSIM Performs MCMC and returns needed values for dose-finding in a list.
Print_SubTite Gives summaries of GetSubTite Objects.
SimTrial Simulates a Sub-TITE trial design
SimTrial1 Simulates a Sub-TITE trial design