SubTS-package {SubTS}R Documentation

Positive Tempered Stable Distributions and Related Subordinators


Contains methods for the simulation of positive tempered stable distributions and related subordinators. Including classical tempered stable, rapidly deceasing tempered stable, truncated stable, truncated tempered stable, generalized Dickman, truncated gamma, generalized gamma, and p-gamma. For details, see Dassios et al (2019) <doi:10.1017/jpr.2019.6>, Dassios et al (2020) <doi:10.1145/3368088>, Grabchak (2021) <doi:10.1016/j.spl.2020.109015>.



Package: SubTS
Type: Package
Title: Positive Tempered Stable Distributions and Related Subordinators
Version: 1.0
Date: 2023-02-04
Authors@R: c(person("Michael", "Grabchak", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = ""), person("Lijuan", "Can", role = "aut") )
Description: Contains methods for the simulation of positive tempered stable distributions and related subordinators. Including classical tempered stable, rapidly deceasing tempered stable, truncated stable, truncated tempered stable, generalized Dickman, truncated gamma, generalized gamma, and p-gamma. For details, see Dassios et al (2019) <doi:10.1017/jpr.2019.6>, Dassios et al (2020) <doi:10.1145/3368088>, Grabchak (2021) <doi:10.1016/j.spl.2020.109015>.
Suggests: statmod
Imports: copula, gsl, stats, tweedie
License: GPL (>= 3)
Author: Michael Grabchak [aut, cre], Lijuan Can [aut]
Maintainer: Michael Grabchak <>

Index of help topics:

SubTS-package           Positive Tempered Stable Distributions and
                        Related Subordinators
dF1                     Pdf for f_1
dF2                     Pdf for f_2
dGGa                    Pdf of the generalized gamma distribution
dSubCTS                 PDF of CTS subordinator
getk1                   Constant K_1
getk2                   Constant K_2
rDickman                Simulation from the generalized Dickman
rF1                     Simulation from f_1
rF2                     Simulation from f_2
rGGa                    Simulates from the generalized gamma
rPGamma                 Simulation from p-gamma distributions.
rPRDTS                  Simulation from p-RDTS distributions.
rSubCTS                 Simulates of CTS subordinators
rTrunGamma              Simulation from the truncated gamma
rTrunS                  Simulation from the truncated stable
rTrunTS                 Simulation from the truncated tempered stable
simCondS                Simulation from a conditioned stable
simTandW                Simulation of hitting time and overshoot.



Maintainer: NA


A. Dassios, Y. Qu, J.W. Lim (2019). Exact simulation of generalised Vervaat perpetuities. Journal of Applied Probability, 56(1):57-75.

A. Dassios, Y. Qu, J.W. Lim (2020). Exact simulation of a truncated Levy subordinator. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 30(10), 17.

M. Grabchak (2016). Tempered Stable Distributions: Stochastic Models for Multiscale Processes. Springer, Cham.

M. Grabchak (2021). An exact method for simulating rapidly decreasing tempered stable distributions. Statistics and Probability Letters, 170: Article 109015.


rPRDTS(20, 2, 1, .7, 2)
rPRDTS(20, 2, 1, 0, 2)
rPRDTS(20, 2, 1, -.7, 2)
rDickman(10, 1)
rTrunGamma(10, 2, 1)
rPGamma(20, 2, 2, 2)
rTrunS(10, 2, .6)
rTrunTS(10, 2, 2, .6)

[Package SubTS version 1.0 Index]