divisor {StratigrapheR} | R Documentation |
Greatest Common Rational Divisor
Compute the Greatest Common Rational Divisor or test whether a value is a common rational divisor of a suite of number
divisor(x, tolerance = 8, relative = T, tries = 4, speak = T)
is.divisor(x, y, tolerance = 8, relative = T, use.names = T)
x |
a numeric or integer vector |
tolerance |
the order of tolerance for errors, i.e. the number of decimals considered as being meaningful |
relative |
whether to apply the tolerance to the x values divided by the smallest x value (TRUE, is the default), or to the x values themselves |
tries |
the amount of iterations: each iteration tests 10^n+1 more possibilities than the previous one. This is to optimise computation while allowing all possibilities to be explored. Each try takes exponentialy more time than the previous one |
speak |
whether to print a sentence at each try |
y |
a numeric or integer vector of vales to be tested as divisors of x |
use.names |
whether to use y values as names for the output |
divisor(x = c(0.03,0.75,0.3,2,100, 0.03, 100, 0), speak = FALSE)
divisor(x = c(0.02,0.75,0.3,2,100.000002, 0.03, 100, 0), speak = FALSE)
divisor(x = c(0.02,0.75,0.3,2,100.000002, 0.03, 100, 0) * 10^-10,
speak = FALSE)
a <- c(0.02,0.75,0.3,2,100.000000002, 0.03, 100, 0)
divisor(x = a)
is.divisor(x = a, y = c(1, 0.01, 2*10^-9))
divisor(x = a, tolerance = 7, speak = FALSE)
divisor(x = a, relative = FALSE, speak = FALSE)