filter_train {StratifiedMedicine} | R Documentation |
filter_train: Identify variables of interest
Wrapper function to train a filter model to determine variables associated with the outcome and/or treatment.. Options include elastic net (glmnet) and random forest based variable importance (ranger). Used directly in PRISM.
family = "gaussian",
filter = "glmnet",
hyper = NULL,
Y |
The outcome variable. Must be numeric or survival (ex; Surv(time,cens) ) |
A |
Treatment variable. (Default supports binary treatment, either numeric or factor). "ple_train" accomodates >2 along with binary treatments. |
X |
Covariate space. |
family |
Outcome type. Options include "gaussion" (default), "binomial", and "survival". |
filter |
Filter model to determine variables that are likely associated with the
outcome and/or treatment. Outputs a potential reduce list of varia where
has potentially less variables than X. Default is "glmnet" (elastic net). Other
options include "ranger" (random forest based variable importance with p-values).
See |
hyper |
Hyper-parameters for the filter model (must be list). Default is NULL. See details below. |
... |
Any additional parameters, not currently passed through. |
filter_train currently fits elastic net or random forest to find a reduced set of variables which are likely associated with the outcome (Y) and/or treatment (A). Current options include:
1. glmnet: Wrapper function for the function "glmnet" from the glmnet package. Here, variables with estimated elastic net coefficients of 0 are filtered. Uses LM/GLM/cox elastic net for family="gaussian","binomial", "survival" respectively. Default is to regress Y~ENET(X) with hyper-parameters:
hyper = list(lambda="lambda.min", family="gaussian",interaction=FALSE))
If interaction=TRUE, then Y~ENET(X,X*A), and variables with estimated coefficients of zero in both the main effects (X) and treatment-interactions (X*A) are filtered. This aims to find variables that are prognostic and/or predictive.
2. ranger: Wrapper function for the function "ranger" (ranger R package) to calculate random forest based variable importance (VI) p-values. Here, for the test of VI>0, variables are filtered if their one-sided p-value>=0.10. P-values are obtained through subsampling based T-statistics (T=VI_j/SE(VE_j)) for feature j through the delete-d jackknife), as described in Ishwaran and Lu 2017. Used for continuous, binary, or survival outcomes. Default hyper-parameters are:
hyper=list(b=0.66, K=200, DF2=FALSE, FDR=FALSE, pval.thres=0.10)
where b=(% of total data to sample; default=66%), K=# of subsamples, FDR (FDR based multiplicity correction for p-values), pval.thres=0.10 (adjust to change filtering threshold). DF2 fits Y~ranger(X, XA) and calculates the VI_2DF = VI_X+VI_XA, which is the variable importance of the main effect + the interaction effect (joint test). Var(VI_2DF) = Var(VI_X)+Var(VI_AX)+2cov(VI_X, VI_AX) where each component is calculated using the subsampling approach described above.
Trained filter model and vector of variable names that pass the filter.
mod - trained model
filter.vars - Variables that remain after filtering (could be all)
Friedman, J., Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. (2008) Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate Descent, Journal of Statistical Software, Vol. 33(1), 1-22 Feb 2010 Vol. 33(1), 1-22 Feb 2010.
Wright, M. N. & Ziegler, A. (2017). ranger: A fast implementation of random forests for high dimensional data in C++ and R. J Stat Softw 77:1-17. doi: 10.18637/jss.v077.i01.
Ishwaran, H. Lu, M. (2017). Standard errors and confidence intervals for variable importance in random forest regression, classification, and survival. Statistics in Medicine 2017.
See Also
## Continuous ##
dat_ctns = generate_subgrp_data(family="gaussian")
Y = dat_ctns$Y
X = dat_ctns$X
A = dat_ctns$A
# Fit ple_ranger directly (treatment-specific ranger models) #
mod1 = filter_train(Y, A, X, filter="filter_glmnet")
mod2 = filter_train(Y, A, X, filter="filter_glmnet", hyper=list(interaction=TRUE))
mod3 = filter_train(Y, A, X, filter="filter_ranger")