Analyzing the Behaviour of Wind Generated by Tropical Storms and Cyclones

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Documentation for package ‘StormR’ version 0.2.1

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defStormsDataset Creating a 'stormsDataset' object
defStormsList Creating a 'stormsList' object
eezNC EEZ of New Caledonia
getBuffer Getting the buffered location of interest
getBuffer-method Getting the buffered location of interest
getBufferSize Getting the buffer size
getBufferSize-method Getting the buffer size
getInObs Getting the number of the observations
getInObs-method Getting the number of the observations
getLOI Getting the location of interest
getLOI-method Getting the location of interest
getNames Getting the names of the storms
getNames-method Getting the names of the storms
getNbObs Getting the number of observations
getNbObs-method Getting the number of observations
getNbStorms Getting the number of 'storm'
getNbStorms-method Getting the number of 'storm'
getObs Getting observations
getObs-method Getting observations
getScale Getting maximum level in the wind scale
getScale-method Getting maximum level in the wind scale
getSeasons Getting cyclonic seasons of the storms
getSeasons-method Getting cyclonic seasons of the storms
getStorm Extracting a 'storm'
getStorm-method Extracting a 'storm'
plotBehaviour Plotting spatial wind behaviour
plotStorms Plotting storm track data
plotTemporal Plotting wind behaviour time series and summary statistics at given point locations
spatialBehaviour Computing wind behaviour and summary statistics over given areas
storm 'storm' object
storm-class 'storm' object
stormsDataset stormsDataset
stormsDataset-class stormsDataset
stormsList 'stormsList' object
stormsList-class 'stormsList' object
temporalBehaviour Computing wind behaviour time series and summary statistics at given point locations
writeRast Exporting rasters to GeoTIFF or NetCDF files