EstStempCens {StempCens} | R Documentation |
ML estimation in spatio-temporal model with censored/missing responses
Return the maximum likelihood estimates of the unknown parameters of spatio-temporal model with censored/missing responses. The estimates are obtained using SAEM algorithm. The function also computes the observed information matrix using the method developed by Louis (1982). The types of censoring considered are left, right, interval or missing values.
tau2.fixo = FALSE,
type.Data = "balanced",
method = "nlminb",
kappa = 0,
type.S = "exponential",
IMatrix = TRUE,
lower.lim = c(0.01, -0.99, 0.01),
upper.lim = c(30, 0.99, 20),
M = 20,
perc = 0.25,
MaxIter = 300,
pc = 0.2,
error = 1e-06
y |
a vector of responses. |
x |
a matrix or vector of covariates. |
cc |
a vector of censoring indicators. For each observation: |
time |
a vector of time. |
coord |
a matrix of coordinates of the spatial locations. |
LI |
lower limit of detection. For each observation: if non-censored/non-missing |
LS |
upper limit of detection. For each observation: if non-censored/non-missing |
init.phi |
initial value of the spatial scaling parameter. |
init.rho |
initial value of the time scaling parameter. |
init.tau2 |
initial value of the the nugget effect parameter. |
tau2.fixo |
type.Data |
type of the data: ' |
method |
optimization method used to estimate ( |
kappa |
parameter for all spatial covariance functions. In the case of exponential, gaussian and spherical function |
type.S |
type of spatial correlation function: ' |
IMatrix |
lower.lim , upper.lim |
vectors of lower and upper bounds for the optimization method.
If unspecified, the default is |
M |
number of Monte Carlo samples for stochastic approximation. By default = |
perc |
percentage of burn-in on the Monte Carlo sample. By default = |
MaxIter |
the maximum number of iterations of the SAEM algorithm. By default = |
pc |
percentage of iterations of the SAEM algorithm with no memory. By default = |
error |
the convergence maximum error. By default = |
The spatio-temporal Gaussian model is giving by:
Y(s_i,t_j)= \mu(s_i,t_j)+ Z(s_i,t_j) + \epsilon(s_i,t_j),
where the deterministic term \mu(s_i,t_j)
and the stochastic terms Z(s_i,t_j)
can depend on the observed spatio-temporal indexes for Y(s_i,t_j)
We assume Z
is normally distributed with zero-mean and covariance matrix \Sigma_z = \sigma^2 \Omega_{\phi\rho}
where \sigma^2
is the partial sill, \Omega_{\phi\rho}
is the spatio-temporal correlation matrix,\phi
and \rho
are the spatial and time scaling parameters; \epsilon(s_i,t_j)
is an independent and
identically distributed measurement error with E[\epsilon(s_i,t_j)]=0
, variance
(the nugget effect) and Cov[\epsilon(s_i,t_j), \epsilon(s_k,t_l)]=0
for all s_i =! s_k
or t_j =! t_l
In particular, we define \mu(s_i,t_j)
, the mean of the stochastic process as
\mu(s_i,t_j)=\sum_{k=1}^{p} x_k(s_i,t_j)\beta_k,
where x_1(s_i,t_j),..., x_p(s_i,t_j)
are known functions of (s_i,t_j)
, and \beta_1,...,\beta_p
are unknown parameters to be estimated. Equivalently, in matrix notation, we have the spatio-temporal linear model as follows:
Y = X \beta + Z + \epsilon,
Z ~ N(0,\sigma^2 \Omega_{\phi\rho}),
\epsilon ~ N(0,\tau^2 I_m).
Therefore the spatio-temporal process, Y
, has normal distribution with mean E[Y]=X\beta
variance \Sigma=\sigma^2\Omega_{\phi\rho}+\tau^2 I_m
. We assume that \Sigma
is non-singular
and X
has full rank.
The estimation process was computed via SAEM algorithm initially proposed by Delyon et al. (1999).
The function returns an object of class Est.StempCens
which is a list given by:
Returns a list with all data components given in input.
A list given by:
theta |
final estimation of |
Theta |
estimated parameters in all iterations, |
beta |
estimated |
sigma2 |
estimated |
tau2 |
estimated |
phi |
estimated |
rho |
estimated |
Eff.range |
estimated effective range. |
PsiInv |
estimated |
Cov |
estimated |
stochastic approximation of the first moment for the truncated normal distribution. |
SAEMyy |
stochastic approximation of the second moment for the truncated normal distribution. |
Hessian |
Hessian matrix, the negative of the conditional expected second derivative matrix given the observed values. |
Louis |
the observed information matrix using the Louis' method. |
loglik |
log likelihood for SAEM method. |
Akaike information criteria. |
Bayesian information criteria. |
AICcorr |
corrected AIC by the number of parameters. |
iteration |
number of iterations needed to convergence. |
Katherine L. Valeriano, Victor H. Lachos and Larissa A. Matos
## Not run:
# Simulating data
# Initial parameter values
beta <- c(-1,1.50)
phi <- 5; rho <- 0.45
tau2 <- 0.80; sigma2 <- 1.5
n1 <- 5 # Number of spatial locations
n2 <- 5 # Number of temporal index
x.coord <- round(runif(n1,0,10),9) # X coordinate
y.coord <- round(runif(n1,0,10),9) # Y coordinate
coord <- cbind(x.coord,y.coord) # Cartesian coordinates without repetitions
coord2 <- cbind(rep(x.coord,each=n2),rep(y.coord,each=n2)) # Cartesian coordinates with repetitions
time <- as.matrix(seq(1,n2)) # Time index without repetitions
time2 <- as.matrix(rep(time,n1)) # Time index with repetitions
x1 <- rexp(n1*n2,2)
x2 <- rnorm(n1*n2,2,1)
x <- cbind(x1,x2)
media <- x%*%beta
# Covariance matrix
Ms <- as.matrix(dist(coord)) # Spatial distances
Mt <- as.matrix(dist(time)) # Temporal distances
Cov <- CovarianceM(phi,rho,tau2,sigma2,Ms,Mt,1.5,"matern")
# Data
y <- as.vector(rmvnorm(1,mean=as.vector(media),sigma=Cov))
perc <- 0.20
aa <- sort(y); bb <- aa[1:(perc*n1*n2)]; cutof <- bb[perc*n1*n2]
cc <- matrix(1,(n1*n2),1)*(y<=cutof)
y[cc==1] <- cutof
LI <- y; LI[cc==1] <- -Inf # Left-censored
LS <- y
# Estimation
est_teste <- EstStempCens(y, x, cc, time2, coord2, LI, LS, init.phi=3.5,
init.rho=0.5, init.tau2=0.7,tau2.fixo=FALSE, kappa=1.5,
type.S="matern", IMatrix=TRUE, M=20, perc=0.25,
MaxIter=300, pc=0.2)
## End(Not run)