Statistical Analysis for Environmental Data

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Documentation for package ‘StatDA’ version 1.7.11

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arw Adaptive reweighted estimator for multivariate location and scatter
AuNEW Au data, new
AuOLD Au data, old
bhorizon B-horizon of the Kola Data
bordersKola Borders of the Kola Project boundary
boxes Boxes
boxplotlegend Boxplotlegend
boxplotlog Boxplotlog
boxplotperc Boxplot based on percentiles
bubbleFIN Bubbleplot due to Finnish method
CHorANADUP Analytical duplicates of the C-horizon Kola data
CHorFieldDUP Field duplicates of the C-horizon Kola data
chorizon C-horizon of the Kola Data
CHorSTANDARD Standard reference material for the Kola data
concarea Plot Concentration Area
concareaExampleKola Concentration Area Plot for Kola data example
cor.sign Correlation Matrix
CorCompare Compares Correlation Matrices
CorGroups Correlation Matrix for Sub-groups
do.ellipses Plot Ellipses
edaplot EDA-plot for data
edaplotlog Edaplot for logtransformed data Fit a Factor Analysis
kola.background kola.background
KrigeLegend Krige
loadplot Plot the Loadings of a FA
monch Boundary of the Monchegorsk area
moss Moss layer of the Kola Data
nizap Boundary of the area Nikel-Zapoljarnij
Northarrow Northarrow
ohorizon O-horizon of the Kola Data
pfa Principal Factor Analysis
plotbg Kola background Plot
plotelement Plot Elements of a Discriminant Analysis
plotellipse Plot Ellipse
plotmvoutlier Multivariate outlier plot
plotuniout Multivariate outlier plot for each dimension
polygrid Coordinates of Points Inside a Polygon
polys Connect the Values with a Polygon
ppplot.das PP plot
qpplot.das QP plot
qqplot.das QQ plot
res.eyefit.As_C Result of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
res.eyefit.As_C_m Result of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
res.eyefit.AuNEW Result of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
res.eyefit.Ca_C Result of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
res.eyefit.Ca_O Result of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
res.eyefit.Hg_O Result of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
res.eyefit.Pb_O1 Result of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
res.eyefit.Pb_O2 Result of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
rg.boxplot Plot a Boxplot
rg.mva Non-robust Multivariate Data Analysis
rg.mvalloc Robust Multivariate Allocation Procedure Remove NA
rg.robmva Robust Multivariate Analysis
rg.wtdsums Calculate Weighted Sums for a Matrix
RobCor.plot Compares the Robust Estimation with the Classical
roundpretty Roundpretty
roundpretty.sub Subfunction for Roundpretty
scalebar Scalebar
scatter3dPETER 3D plot of a Regression Model
SmoothLegend Plots Smoothing Maps and a Legend
suns Plot Suns
SymbLegend Plot Legend
ternary Ternary plot
timetrend Data for computing time trends
topsoil topsoil layer of the Kola Data
varcomp Variance Components