NFL2007Standings {Stat2Data} | R Documentation |
NFL Standings for 2007 Regular Season
Standings for National Football League teams in 2007
A dataset with 32 observations on the following 10 variables.
Team | Team name |
Conference | Conference: AFC or NFC |
Division | Division within conference: ACE , ACN , ACS , ACW , NCE , NCN , NCS , NCW |
Wins | Number of wins (out of 16 games) |
Losses | Number of losses |
WinPct | Proportion of games won (Wins/16) |
PointsFor | Total points scored by the team |
PointsAgainst | Total points scored against the team |
NetPts | PointsFor minus PointsAgainst |
TDs | Number of touchdowns scored by the team |
Data for all 32 National Football League (NFL) teams for the 2007 regular season.
Updated to NFLStandings2016 in the second edition.
Data downloaded from
[Package Stat2Data version 2.0.0 Index]