Goldenrod {Stat2Data}R Documentation

Goldenrod Galls


Measurements for a sample of goldenrod galls


A data frame with 1055 observations on the following 9 variables.

Gdiam03 Gall diameter in 2003 (in mm)
Stdiam03 Stem diameter in 2003 (in mm)
Wall03 Wall thickness in 2003 (in mm)
Fate03 b=beetle present e=early death f=living fly larva g=living wasp o=pupal case u=unknown
Gdiam04 Gall diameter in 2004 (in mm)
Stdiam04 Stem diameter in 2004 (in mm)
Wall04 Wall thickness in 2003 (in mm)
Fate04 b=beetle present e=early death f=living fly larva g=living wasp o=pupal case u=unknown
Fly04 Fly in 2004? n or y


Biology students collected measurements on goldenrod galls at the Brown Family Environmental Center at Kenyon College.


Thanks to the Kenyon College Department of Biology for sharing these data.

[Package Stat2Data version 2.0.0 Index]