Stochastic Mortality Modelling

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Documentation for package ‘StMoMo’ version 0.4.1

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StMoMo-package Create a new Stochastic Mortality Model
apc Create an Age-Period-Cohort mortality model
bootstrap Generic method for bootstrapping a fitted Stochastic Mortality Model
bootstrap.fitStMoMo Bootstrap a fitted Stochastic Mortality Model
cbd Create a Cairns-Blake-Dowd mortality model
central2initial Transform StMoMoData from central to initial exposures
coef.fitStMoMo Extract coefficients from a fitted Stochastic Mortality Model
EWMaleData England and Wales male mortality data
extractCohort Extract cohort from an age-period array
fit Generic for fitting a Stochastic Mortality Model
fit.rh Fit a Renshaw and Haberman (Lee-Carter with cohorts) mortality model
fit.StMoMo Fit a Stochastic Mortality Model
fitted.fitStMoMo Compute fitted values for a Stochastic Mortality Model
forecast.fitStMoMo Forecast mortality rates using a Stochastic Mortality Model
forecast.iarima Forecast independent arima series
forecast.mrwd Forecast a Multivariate Random Walk with Drift
genWeightMat Generate weight matrix
iarima Fit independent arima series to a multivariate time series
initial2central Transform StMoMoData from initial to central exposures
lc Create a Lee-Carter model
logLik.fitStMoMo Log-Likelihood of a fitStMoMo object
m6 Create an M6 type extension of the Cairns-Blake-Dowd mortality model
m7 Create an M7 type extension of the Cairns-Blake-Dowd mortality model
m8 Create an M8 type extension of the Cairns-Blake-Dowd mortality model
mrwd Fit a Multivariate Random Walk with Drift
plot.bootStMoMo Plot bootstrapped parameters of a Stochastic Mortality Model
plot.fitStMoMo Plot fitted parameters from a stochastic mortality model
plot.forStMoMo Plot a forecast from a Stochastic Mortality Model
plot.resStMoMo Plot the residuals of a Stochastic Mortality Model
predict.fitStMoMo Predict method for Stochastic Mortality Models fits
residuals.fitStMoMo Extract deviance residuals of a Stochastic Mortality Model
rh Create a Renshaw and Haberman (Lee-Carter with cohorts) mortality model
simulate.bootStMoMo Simulate future sample paths from a Bootstrapped Stochastic Mortality Model
simulate.fitStMoMo Simulate future sample paths from a Stochastic Mortality Model
simulate.iarima Simulate independent arima series
simulate.mrwd Simulate a Multivariate Random Walk with Drift
StMoMo Create a new Stochastic Mortality Model
StMoMoData Create StMoMoData object from demogdata object