Functional Data Analysis using Splines and Orthogonal Spline Bases

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Documentation for package ‘Splinets’ version 1.5.0

Help Pages

construct Construction of a 'Splinets' object
deriva Derivatives of splines
dintegra Calculating the definite integral of a spline.
evspline Evaluating splines at given arguments.
exsupp Correcting support sets and reshaping the matrix of derivatives at the knots.
gather Combining two 'Splinets' objects
gramian Gramian matrix, norms, and inner products of splines
integra Indefinite integrals of splines
is.splinets Diagnostics of splines and their generic correction
is.splinets-method Diagnostics of splines
lincomb Linear transformation of splines.
lines-method Adding graphs of splines to a plot
plot-method Plotting splines
project Projecting into spline spaces
refine Refining splines through adding knots
rspline Random splines
seq2dyad Organizing indices in a spline basis in the net form
splinet B-splines, periodic B-splines and their orthogonalization
Splinets-class The class to represent a collection of splines
subsample Subsampling from a set of splines
sym2one Switching between representations of the matrices of derivatives
tire Data on tire responses to a rough road profile
truck Data on truck responses to a rough road profile
wind Data on wind direction and speed.