sbi {Spbsampling}R Documentation

Spatial Balance Index


Computes the Spatial Balance Index (SBI), which is a measure of spatial balance of a sample. The lower it is, the better the spread.


sbi(dis, pi, s)



A distance matrix NxN that specifies how far all the pairs of units in the population are.


A vector of first order inclusion probabilities of the units of the population.


A vector of labels of the sample.


The SBI is based on Voronoi polygons. Given a sample s, each unit ii in the sample has its own Voronoi polygon, which is composed by all population units closer to ii than to any other sample unit jj. Then, per each Voronoi polygon, define viv_{i} as the sum of the inclusion probabilities of all units in the ii-th Voronoi polygon. Finally, the variance of viv_{i} is the SBI.


Returns the Spatial Balance Index.


Stevens DL, Olsen AR (2004). Spatially Balanced Sampling of Natural Resources. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 99(465), 262-278. doi:10.1198/016214504000000250


dis <- as.matrix(dist(cbind(simul1$x, simul1$y))) # distance matrix
con <- rep(0, nrow(dis)) # vector of constraints
stand_dist <- stprod(mat = dis, con = con) # standardized matrix
pi <- rep(100 / nrow(dis), nrow(dis)) # vector of probabilities inclusion
s <- pwd(dis = stand_dist$mat, n = 100)$s # sample
sbi(dis = dis, pi = pi, s = s)

[Package Spbsampling version 1.3.5 Index]