KS_scores_lambdas {SpatFD} | R Documentation |
Functional Kriging
Linear Spatial functional prediction. Two predictors are possible: scores or lambda.
KS_scores_lambdas(SFD, newcoords, model, method = "lambda", name = NULL, fill.all = NULL)
object of class 'SpatFD'. |
newcoords |
The N × 2 matrix or data.frame with the spatial coordinates corresponding to the N prediction locations. |
model |
The scores variogram model. A variogramModel object. See gstat package. |
method |
Prediction method: "lambda" or "scores". By default "lambda". See details. |
name |
The variable to predict in SpatFD object. By default, the predictions is performed for the first variable in the SpatFD object. |
fill.all |
gstat function parameter. If there are more than 1 score vector and not all models or a valid and complete linear model of coregionalization is given, fill all of the direct and cross variogram model with the only model given. |
"lambda" option corresponds to the predictor \breve{\chi}_{\bm s_0}(t)
, given by
\breve{\chi}_{\bm s_0}(t)=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}\lambda_i\chi_{\bm s_i}(t)
and weigths are found such that minimize
\left\|\bm\chi_{\bm s_0}(t)-\breve{\chi}_{\bm s_0}(t)\right\|^2
"scores" method performs kriging or cokriging directly on the scores and predictions are used to build the functional prediction
It is used simple cokriging to predict the vector \bm f(\bm s_0)=\left(f_1(\bm s_0),...,f_K(\bm s_0)\right)^T
at the unsampled location \bm s_0
. The predictor is f^*(\bm s_0)
, so the prediction of the curve \chi_{\bm s_0}(t)
is \chi^*_{\bm s_0}(t)=\bm \xi^T(t)\bm f^*(\bm s_0),\;\;\;\;\;\;i=1,...,n
Returns a 'KS_pred' object with functional kriging: weights (lambda) using the first method and kriging score predictions using the second method in Bohorquez, M., Giraldo, R., & Mateu, J. (2016).
Diego Sandoval diasandovalsk@unal.edu.co & Angie Villamil acvillamils@unal.edu.co.
Bohorquez, M., Giraldo, R., & Mateu, J. (2016). Optimal sampling for spatial prediction of functional data. Statistical Methods & Applications, 25(1), 39-54.
Bohorquez, M., Giraldo, R., & Mateu, J. (2016). Multivariate functional random fields: prediction and optimal sampling. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31, pages53–70 (2017).
Bohorquez M.; Giraldo R. and Mateu J. Spatial prediction and optimal sampling of functional data in Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis: Theory and Methods (2021). John Wiley Sons, Chichester, UK. ISBN: 978-1-119-38784-8. https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Geostatistical+Functional+Data+Analysis-p-9781119387848.
See Also
# Recibir los datos, suavizarlos y ACP
SFD_PM10 <- SpatFD(PM10, coords = coord[,2:3], basis = "Bsplines",
nbasis = 17,norder=5, lambda = 0.00002, nharm=3)
#Variogram model for each component
modelos <- list(vgm(psill = 2634000, "Exp", range = 2103.25, nugget = 0),
vgm(psill = 101494.96, "Exp", range = 1484.57, nugget = 0),
vgm(psill =53673, "Exp", range = 42406, nugget = 0))
#Genera los scores y los lambdas para predecir en nuevas coordenadas
#method = "lambda"
KS_SFD_PM10_l <- KS_scores_lambdas(SFD_PM10, newcoorden ,method = "lambda",
model = modelos)
#method = "scores"
KS_SFD_PM10_sc <- KS_scores_lambdas(SFD_PM10, newcoorden, method = "scores",
model = modelos)
#method = "both"
KS_SFD_PM10_both <- KS_scores_lambdas(SFD_PM10, newcoorden, method = "both",
model = modelos)