matrix.csr.chol-class {SparseM}R Documentation

Class "matrix.csr.chol" (Block Sparse Cholesky Decomposition)


A class of objects returned from Ng and Peyton's (1993) block sparse Cholesky algorithm.


Note that the perm and notably invp maybe important to back permute rows and columns of the decompositions, see the Examples, and our chol help page.

Objects from the Class

Objects may be created by calls of the form new("matrix.csr.chol", ...), but typically result from chol(<matrix.csr>).



an integer, the number of rows of the original matrix, or in the linear system of equations.


Object of class numeric, number of non-zero elements in lindx


an integer, the number of supernodes of the decomposition


Object of class integer, vector of integer containing, in column major order, the row subscripts of the non-zero entries in the Cholesky factor in a compressed storage format


Object of class integer, vector of integer of pointers for lindx


of class "numeric", an integer, the number of non-zero entries, including the diagonal entries, of the Cholesky factor stored in lnz


a numeric vector of the entries of the Cholesky factor


an integer vector, the column pointers for the Cholesky factor stored in lnz


inverse permutation vector, integer


permutation vector, integer


Object of class integer, array containing the supernode partioning


numeric, the determinant of the Cholesky factor


numeric, the log determinant of the Cholesky factor


an integer, the error flag (from Fortran's ‘src/chol.f’)


numeric, unused (always 0.) currently.



signature(x = "matrix.csr.chol", upper.tri=TRUE): to get the sparse ("matrix.csr") upper triangular matrix corresponding to the Cholesky decomposition.


signature(r = "matrix.csr.chol"): for computing R^{-1} b when the Cholesky decomposition is A = R'R.

See Also

Base R's chol and SparseM's chol, notably for examples; backsolve


x5g <- new("matrix.csr",
          ra = c(300, 130, 5, 130, 330,
                 125, 10, 5, 125, 200, 70,
                 10, 70, 121.5, 1e30),
          ja = c(1:3, 1:4, 1:4, 2:5),
          ia = c(1L, 4L, 8L, 12L, 15L, 16L),
          dimension = c(5L, 5L))
(m5g <- as.matrix(x5g)) # yes, is symmetric, and positive definite:
eigen(m5g, only.values=TRUE)$values  # all positive (but close to singular)
ch5g <- chol(x5g)
str(ch5g) # --> the slots of the "matrix.csr.chol" class
mch5g <- as.matrix.csr(ch5g)
print.table(as.matrix(mch5g), zero.print=".") # indeed upper triagonal w/ positive diagonal

## x5 has even more extreme entry at [5,5]:
x5 <- x5g; x5[5,5] <- 2.9e32
m5 <- as.matrix(x5)
(c5 <- chol(m5))# still fine, w/ [5,5] entry = 1.7e16 and other diag.entries in (9.56, 17.32)
ch5 <- chol(x5) # --> warning  "Replaced 3 tiny diagonal entries by 'Large'"
                # gave error for a while
(mmc5 <- as.matrix(as.matrix.csr(ch5)))
        # yes, these replacements were extreme, and the result is "strange'
## Solve the problem (here) specifying non-default  singularity-tuning par 'tiny':
ch5. <- chol(x5, tiny = 1e-33)
(mmc5. <- as.matrix(as.matrix.csr(ch5.))) # looks much better.
## Indeed: R'R  back-permuted *is* the original matrix x5, here m5:
(RtR <- crossprod(mmc5.)[ch5.@invp, ch5.@invp])
          all.equal(m5, RtR, tolerance = 2^-52)
stopifnot(all.equal(m5, RtR, tolerance = 1e-14)) # on F38 Linux, only need tol = 1.25e-16

[Package SparseM version 1.84-2 Index]